Saturday, December 19, 2020

FNSI December

 I joined in with our lovely hostess Wendy for the last sew in of 2020. Whilst the year went exceedingly fast it also seemed to drag out. Contradictory i know but that is how it felt. Now that the year is almost gone i'm touching wood, crossing fingers & toes & anything else hoping that 2021 is a hell of a lot better year than this year has been.

I had to put aside my sewing plans for yesterday. I had an appointment after which i was going to sew but my daughter called & asked could i watch my grandson for her whilst she got a few things done. We had a pleasant afternoon but by the time he went home i was too tired to do much.

GS had bought a little craft box with him & wanted help making up a couple of things to give his Mum & Dad. I didn't get a photo of his little tree he did but i did manage a photo of the wreath before he put it all away. :)

The picture on the side of the box showed enough ribbon to go around & have a hanger. There wasn't. I had barely enough to get around the foam ring. I found up some ribbon in my collection to give it a hanger. The same with the Christmas tree, not enough green tinsel. I found up some green ribbon so GS could finish it off so the foam cone couldn't be seen.

I did a little sewing on Libby Morgan before i quite & went to bed with a headache.

Pop over to visit Wendy to see who joined in & what lovely projects they chose to work on. Thankyou Wendy for hosting us again this year.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Libby Morgan

 I've been stitching away at Libby Morgan & it's slowly growing. Next step is to make more paths. I hope i don't run out of the fabric before i get to the size i want - 2 maybe 3 rows then i'll have to find border fabric for it.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 5, 2020

FNwF December

 Last night i participated in FNwF hosted by the lovely Cheryll.

Sadly i didn't get a lot done due to the heat & being slightly unwell.

Just a little more done on my Libby Morgan quilt. A few more rows then it's onto the fillers & borders.

Pop over here to find the links to who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...