Sunday, May 23, 2021

Hexie flower

 My flower is all finished. I stitched the centre yesterday afternoon whilst watching movies on Netflix. Definitely not a fan of iron on hexies. Now to decide on a project to use it on.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Last night it was time for 

hosted by our lovely Wendy who celebrated a birthday & offered a lovely free stitchery to print out. Pop over to her blog to find the stitchery pattern.

I make plans in my head as to what i'll sew on these cyber sewing Fridays but as usual when i get up i find my mojo has let me down again. I have little desire to do much crafting at all. Even at night when i usually handstitch i do little.

I did do a little crafting yesterday though.

I added the last 3 hexagons to this flower. It is the 2nd of 2 flowers i made this week that form the top & bottom of a pincushion which is a wee bit larger than i thought it would be, :).

Next up was this little project.

I'd bought this hexie box a year or so ago. It comes with the fabric to make 7 hexagons, iron on templates(which i really don't like at all), iron on transfer for the centre hexagon to be embroidered & several pictures of ideas what to do with your finished flower.

I'd cut out the 6 hexies ages back & ironed on the transfer as well. As i glued the edges down i found it not to be easy when there isn't stiff carboard to fold the fabric around.

I then embroidered the centre. I found i was having a hard time getting the embroidery centred on the iron on hexagon but got it eventually. It was then i made a mistake. Not sure exactly what happened but as i was cutting it out i cut to close to the embroidery so now there isn't enough seam allowance on 1 point. 

Not to worry i'll embroider it again as it doesn't take long to do & applique this one onto something so that it's not a total waste.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, May 8, 2021

FNwF May

 Last night i joined in with Cheryll & friends for some sewing. I haven't felt like crafting lately, what i dod is in dribs & drabs. I had planned on starting early & getting some ufo's done but as usual my mojo had deserted me.

Going through my box of prepped projects a couple of weeks or so back i had pulled out 5 blocks from a quilt from many years ago. It was made up of 12 blocks by various designers. I didn't want all the blocks so only bought the 5. I  have been slowly stitching them for the last 2 to 3 weeks. When i had counted the blocks & realised i only had 5 & that wasn't a good number for a quilt I've been thinking on what to do with them. Do i makea series of small hangings or add 4 pieced blocks & make a large hanging. Fortunately i still have some Bonnie & Camille fabrics that i can use in whatever i decide. The blocks i bought were all kits using their fabric.

Anyway the block i stitched last night was from Natalie Bird of The Birdhouse

When finished it has a cute green peeper border then surrounded by hexagons appliqued to the background.

Pop over to Cheryll's blog to find links to who joined in last night

Happy Stitching

FNSI February

I had a nice early start to my day. First thing to do was get out the scrap basket of blues to make this months RSC blocks. Fabrics chosen t...