For FNwF hosted by Cheryll i started early. I've managed to get 2 blocks re-stitched from my cutting stuff up last week so they were double checked for the correct size before trimming. :)
I've wanted to make a red &white quilt for a while & when in a birthday fat 1/4 swap many years back hosted by Cheryll i asked for the colour red. All i needed then was a pattern. Last year Family Circle i found a quilt pattern that i liked & it was done in red & white.
I'd already worked out that using fat 1/4's would work with this pattern but because of the cutting instructions i was going to be careful so i didn't waste fabric. I decided to make just one block. The white fabric was easy to cut out being just the one fabric. :)
complete with a "fancy" labelling system. lol
After some fun & games making up the block it was finally done
It took a wee bit longer than i thought due to some reverse sewing, losing a half square triangle, making up another then after the block was sewn i found the missing one. Though i tried to match up seams as blocks were sewn together there was some fixing there to do as well. Block measures 18-1/2" So now i'm off to make the other 8.
Pop over here to see who joined in
Happy Stitching,