Thursday, July 20, 2023

a nice surprise

 Watering my pot plants today i found that my daffodils had started to flower.

First one in quite a while. I used to grow bulbs many years ago but lost most of them over time from moving house/s. This year my sister & i discussed planting bulbs on Mum's gravesite & i got the urge to try growing bulbs again. It looks like all the bulbs i planted are sprouting. :) Now to wait patiently for the jonquils, freesias & a variety of others to bloom.

The second surprise was from a Zygo i had bought a few months back. One bloom & a couple of others getting ready to open.

Even though spring is still a month away it was nice to see something that reminds me of spring coming to life.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 15, 2023


 My project to work on for FNSI hosted by Wendy was a Bronwyn Hayes stitchery from many years ago. A series of 6 i think. I bought 2 or 3 off a friend several year back & then when my SIL passed i found the rest in her things. I've stitched 2 & this is number 3.

Where i started last night

and where i ended up by bed time. Not a lot, just the doily, around the pink flowers & started the satin stitch & french knots

Pop over here to see who joined in FNSI

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, July 8, 2023

FNwF July.....

and just like that 6 months has gone by & here we are having Julys FNwF hosted by our lovely Cheryll  I'm afraid to blink in case it's turned into December when i open my eyes back up. :) :).

Recently Lisa of Fig N Berry creations asked on her FB page if anyone was interested in a Christmas Club. Of course i signed up straight away. lol. First instalment sent out July 1st.  I should be working on getting those ufo's under control but i couldn't resist starting.

Where i was up to at the start of stitching last night.

and where i had gotten to by bedtime. The project came with border fabric so it can be turned into a hanging without having to wait on the next stitcheries to complete it.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

RSC July

 I think (but i don't want to jinx it) that my sewjo has come back as i sat done after lunch today & got on with sewing the blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge.

I wasn't sure if i'd manage it actually as i'm suffering from a mysterious pain in my right side which makes it hard to do things. But i persevered with a bit of hissing when i didn't watch my movements carefully.

Now to hopefully move onto the next projects/s on my list.

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...