Thursday, July 20, 2023

a nice surprise

 Watering my pot plants today i found that my daffodils had started to flower.

First one in quite a while. I used to grow bulbs many years ago but lost most of them over time from moving house/s. This year my sister & i discussed planting bulbs on Mum's gravesite & i got the urge to try growing bulbs again. It looks like all the bulbs i planted are sprouting. :) Now to wait patiently for the jonquils, freesias & a variety of others to bloom.

The second surprise was from a Zygo i had bought a few months back. One bloom & a couple of others getting ready to open.

Even though spring is still a month away it was nice to see something that reminds me of spring coming to life.

Happy Stitching,


Lin said...

Those first flowers are always a delight. xx

Jeanna said...

Gorgeous daffodils.

Fiona said...

lovely to get the colour in the garden.....

Julie said...

Beautiful Jeanette ... reminding us that spring is not too far away. I picked some daffys today to save them from the wind we are getting. xx

loulee said...

It's always rewarding to see pretty flowers growing.

Maria said...

Such pretty winter blooms.

Susan said...

I love daffodils & jonquils - they probably grow better where you are...too hot & humid here.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I just planted some bulbs...late... can't wait to see what mine look like, yours are just beautiful! xx

kiwikid said...

Beautiful spring colour, we have clumps of white jonquils in the garden.

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