Friday, October 30, 2009


I've really got to stop buying patterns but when Natalie Lymer posted that her new pattern was out whom am i to resist? :). Now i'm just waiting on the shop getting Gail Pan's new patterns in & that better be it. LOL. :) I just love bags & anything that holds needles, pins, scissors ect. Also waiting for a shop to get back to me about some background fabric. Emailed several time with no response but ended up ringing them. Was trying to avoid that as it's long distance & they are costly. Was told i'd be sent an invoice straight away but i'm still waiting. Grrrr. Hugs, Jeanette

Monday, October 26, 2009

Angel Swap

Here's my Angel gift all parceled up for ?????? to send to ????? . Thanks Helen for organising this fun swap.
Hugs, Jeanette

Thursday, October 22, 2009

forgot about this photo

On my way to the quilt show i saw a lady stop & get out her camera near a road sign. I wondered what had intriuged her enough to take a photo of a boring stop sign. When i was close enough to see what it said i started laughing & had to take a photo for myself.

Didn't stop me one little bit. But had to post this for all those hubbies out there.Especially the few suffering ones i saw at the quilt show yesterday being dragged around by their wives. :)


Post Number 2, my trip to the craft show yesterday

I'm lucky i made it there. I was tired & didn't feel up to going but as i needed to look for thing for my Mum & myslef that i can't get locally off i went. Stopped in at the lolly shop near the train station only to discover i'd left my purse at home. So tore off back up the street, grabbed my purse, tore back down to the station & got my ticket with about 2 minutes to spare. Mind you i'd left the house way early than i need because the damn trains don't ever run on time lately.

I was very good didn't buy a lot. Somethings i can't show in the photo's as they are for my swap gifts. Above is some very small buttons for a needlecase i want to make, some bells for my Christans goodies, a nail file with ladybugs all over. Resisted buying a 2nd one that had quilt patterns & bought the stork scissors instead, a thimble from the Thimblelady, Liuxin Newman, and some cute bear buttons from Sonya.Whilst buying these buttons i ran into my friend Joy with whom i'd planned to meet for lucnh & we both tried hard to convince Sonya to tell us where she bought her shirt. She would't tell us. :( Also shown is a heart button from Sonya that is for the needlecase. The bear buttons will go on a Bronwyn hayes cone pattern.

Couldn't walk past the kit to make Bronwyn Hayes "my little teahouse' pattern. Sure saved me looking for fabrics as nice a s these.

Bought this pattern as i can't resist hexagons, embroidery & teacup patterns, Sorry it's not clear but unfortunately the pattern isn't clear either on the cover. :(

And the handemade & Mum's flannelette are tho only 2 other things i bought. See told you i didn't buy much.  No wait i tell a lie. Forgot to download 1 more photo.

And here it is. More fabrics for my Civil War quilts. The stall i bought the from had so many to choose from i couldn't decide. The man gave me his business card as they specialise in repro/civil war fabrics. :)

PS: must be still tried as my spelling is atrocious. :(

been busy so slack with posting & now there'll be 2

I've been busy making/gathering things for my various swaps & as i can't show those photo's yet i'll show you what i've been buying. :)

I couldn't resist these fabrics for my 3 Civil War quilts.

I decided i wanted to make Rudy for my girls for Christmas. After receiving it in the mail i couldn't resist buying the other 3 Melly & Me patterns on show here.

I love cushions & received an email from a quilt shop saying Sally Giblin had put 2 new patterns out so i had to add them to my collection. :)

Sarah, upon coming back from her holidays, announced she'd be drawing a winner for last month. I said to myself  "oh i hope my name is drawn out". The next morning i had an email from the lovely Sarah to say i'd won & to choose a pattern. I was so thrilled it made my day. So i chose the Natalie Ross one.

Last but not least is the little scissor/fob set i purchased off my lovely friend Khris.  I love ladybugs so just had to have this one. Khris & Naomi have been making the scissor fobs & have set up blogs for selling their wares( see my left sidebar). Do pop on over to visit Khris as she is having a giveaway to celebrate her birthday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Photo's from my weekend away

Just thought i'd show you some photo's from my weekend away

Here i'm relaxing with Khris, Anita & Helena

This was the view behind the cabins

This was looking down the hill from the cabin i shared with Naomi, Helena & Sharon

This is looking up the hill from the dining room towards the cabins. Such a great place with all meals catered for & at a good price. Cabins are roomy. Each of the 3 bedrooms had it's own ensuite.

This is looking down the hill towards the dining room

Khris, Naomi, Sharon, Anita, Helena with me in front

All the ladies for our last lunch together

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FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...