Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another pattern :)

Saw the back of this bag on Bronwyn's blog the other day & said to myself  "i want it".  Didn't realise when i'd seen it advertised on the web that the lady was holding a cat. So i couldn't let this baby pass me by. Now to get some fabrics & handles & i'll be set to go. If you haven't discovered Bronwyn's blog do drop over & see the wonderful cat stitcheries she is offering for free to make up a quilt. The first posting is of the cat that is on my teatowel bag in a post below this one.
Hugs, Jeanette


Unknown said...

That;s a great pattern Jeanette .

Sheila said...

What a cute pattern Jeanette , you will have lots of fun stitching this one.

Rebecca said...

I hope you have fun making this bag and carn't wait to see the finished bag.
Hugs Bec

Cath Ü said...

Hurry up and finish the bag and bring it to sewing class...
Caths Blog
Cath Ü

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...