Saturday, July 31, 2010

Finishes & Clamshells & Chocolate Cake.

Time has gotten by me again but i guess lack of interest also played a part in almost no finishes for July. But this morning i took myself in hand & sat & sewed all day. Result? 2 finishes. :)photos 065

Unfortunately not a good shot but it was the only way to get the whole hanging in. I started this maybe 6 years ago & it’s been a top for quite a while. last month i dragged it out & basted it. It’s all stitched in blue & is of teapots, teacups & names of tea. One of my favourite things to stitch 067

Not sure when i started this one but i bought it as a kit several years ago at the craft show. Lovely table  topper covered in butterflies & flowers.

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And of course being the last day of July it’s clamshell day. All i’ve done is make more ready for when i make a decision on what exactly i’ll do with them.


Thought you might like to see some photo’s of a cake my house elf made. Very sickly sweet. Took him hours to make.DSCF0001

The inside. 3 layers. Lots of sugar, chocolate, icing sugar & philly cheese used. Oh course flour & eggs. Middle layer is full of white chocolate.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Flower garden day has sneaked around again. :)

After some advice last week & more fiddling around i’ve sort of got the blog looking ok. Not sure if i like the new way yet. I’ll just keep fiddling i guess until i find a look i like. :)photos 063
3  flowers bloomed for me again this week in the 1” hexies.
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2 flowers for the 1'/2” hexies & 1 1/4” hexie.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flower Day has arrived again. :)

As you can see i changed the way the blog looked. I wanted to see how the new designs worked. I don’t like their choice of backgrounds. Wish i’d left it the old way. I think i'll be changing it back to the old way. :)
photos 052I’ve only managed 3 again for my Wednesday Flower Garden.  Since the making the first few hexies, which i made using fabric from my stash, i’ve since been making them from my scrap basket. Slowly reducing what’s in there. :)
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Little sister all in blue floral.  But that’s not all the hexies. Read on & you’ll discover what else i made. :)
photos 054The postie delivered the bag handle Monday. It’s for one of the hexagon bags on the pattern i blogged about a few posts ago.
photos 055No your eye’s aren’t deceiving you. Mr Postie also brought this in Mondays mail. 1/4” hexagon templates. Am i crazy? yes. :)photos 057 Here is the gorgeous baby hexie. As you can see the entire flower made of the 1/4” hexies sits on a 1” template. They are so tiny. Bit fiddly but i had so much fun doing it. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flower Day

3 more flowers bloomed for me this week & 1 baby sister.
PS: there are 33 1" hexies made to date & only 5 of the 1/2" hexies.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tigers, Pattern & fabrics

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Recently Mary had a giveaway on her blog. I won this gorgeous tiger. I chose him ‘cause i love tigers, especially white ones. I had forgotten to add him to the last post because as soon as i opened the parcel he went off to sit on my 034
Before i went on holidays Natalie posted on her blog about her new pattern, Flat Nat being released shortly. So i wrote myself a note to remember to look for it when i got home. I found it at my favourite online store & it arrived 2 days 035 Yesterday i went to visit Judy’s store. So many lovely, yummy fabrics to drool over i mean to browse through. Didn’t have anything particular in mind but these fabrics are what came home with me. The pink just ‘cause i liked it, the repro’s for the Civil War quilts & the red at the back for Flat Nat. I was glad to read on Judy’s front door that she has changed her opening hours. She has decided to close Monday & open Saturday instead & you know what that means? Yes i can now go out on Saturdays. Yay.


Oh forgot to say. Some of the comments left on the last post weren't forwarded to my inbox so don't think i'm being rude if i don't reply. Seems blogger has being playing up again

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hexies & things

My gosh the week has flown by again. Here it is Wednesday already. I don’t like this time rushing me by so quickly.

photos 022    My 3 hexies for this week. My flower garden is slowly building it’s way to a 023 Baby sister. I think i’ll turn all the 1/2” hexies into a baby 024My EQ7 upgrade finally arrived. I’d pre-ordered it & waited &  waited until i got to the point i was just about to email & ask where it was when i received an email saying it was on it’s way. But i still had to wait as i was away when it arrived.

photos 025This also arrived whilst i was away. I was shown it recently & couldn’t pass it by. Full of lovely bags. :) 

photos 026Bought this pattern from It uses 1/2” hexagons. photos 028 This is also Brigitte’s pattern & i was so pleased when i discovered it as this is what i wanted to do with my clamshells but had no idea really what to 029 And last but not least these cute little purses also from Brigitte using the 1/2” hexagons.


FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...