Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hexies & things

My gosh the week has flown by again. Here it is Wednesday already. I don’t like this time rushing me by so quickly.

photos 022    My 3 hexies for this week. My flower garden is slowly building it’s way to a 023 Baby sister. I think i’ll turn all the 1/2” hexies into a baby 024My EQ7 upgrade finally arrived. I’d pre-ordered it & waited &  waited until i got to the point i was just about to email & ask where it was when i received an email saying it was on it’s way. But i still had to wait as i was away when it arrived.

photos 025This also arrived whilst i was away. I was shown it recently & couldn’t pass it by. Full of lovely bags. :) 

photos 026Bought this pattern from It uses 1/2” hexagons. photos 028 This is also Brigitte’s pattern & i was so pleased when i discovered it as this is what i wanted to do with my clamshells but had no idea really what to 029 And last but not least these cute little purses also from Brigitte using the 1/2” hexagons.



Karen said...

Time sure is rushing by! Your flowers are beautiful and look at all the wonderful patterns. Sweet baby hexagon quilt and Brigitte has an interesting way of piecing the clamshells. One day I will give that a try.

Raewyn said...

Wow, plenty of inspiration in your post!! Great looking flowers, and a baby quilt is a cool idea!

Marion B. said...

Al those hexagon patterns, beautiful.

Birdydownunder said...

nice flowers


Beautiful flowers and what a beatiful patterns, you don't have to think what to do next.


Marieke said...

Beautiful flowers you've made. Love the fabrics. And hope to see what you will make of all these beautiful books!

Sandra Henderson said...

Well, at least I'm not the only one who feels that time is going to fast! I can't believe it either and I don't work!!! Who has time to work?!?! :) Well, you have lots of goodies in the mail. I saw where you can buy these clasps for the purses on a blog today... It's on my list, will have to think of it. Oh how lovely these are! Well, your flowers are beautiful this week and you are ahead of me, as my homework is not yet finished! I'm off to sew! :)

Betsy said...

Beautiful flowers. I like your fabric choices.

Julie said...

It seems to be a common problem, the older we get the faster the time seems to the Hexies!

Kate said...

Lovely Flowers for your Garden and a great display of beautiful patterns,,,really love the purse pattern......hmmm if only there were more hours in the day!

Saskia said...

You have a lot of ideas to work on. I love the flowers, and I'm in love with the little hexagon purses!!

Anonymous said...

O, the green one is beautiful!

Mascha said...

Very nice flowers!!

katrien said...

Love your flowers and the patterns

Crafty Robyn said...

Pretty flowers

Dolly Cloth said...

love your flowers

Cardygirl said...

Love your hexies...I bought some of those patterns off Brigitte recently...they are great!

yvonne said...

Wat veel ideeen zijn er weer en jou bloemen zijn erg mooi !!!!

Narelle said...

My how your garden does grow!
I especially like the green flower with red accents.

My word verification is 'compops' ... I wonder is that like compost for fabric flowers?

Cathi said...

Your garden is growing beautifully! THat pattern for the baby quilt is fabulous!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...