Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flower Day has arrived again. :)

As you can see i changed the way the blog looked. I wanted to see how the new designs worked. I don’t like their choice of backgrounds. Wish i’d left it the old way. I think i'll be changing it back to the old way. :)
photos 052I’ve only managed 3 again for my Wednesday Flower Garden.  Since the making the first few hexies, which i made using fabric from my stash, i’ve since been making them from my scrap basket. Slowly reducing what’s in there. :)
photos 053
Little sister all in blue floral.  But that’s not all the hexies. Read on & you’ll discover what else i made. :)
photos 054The postie delivered the bag handle Monday. It’s for one of the hexagon bags on the pattern i blogged about a few posts ago.
photos 055No your eye’s aren’t deceiving you. Mr Postie also brought this in Mondays mail. 1/4” hexagon templates. Am i crazy? yes. :)photos 057 Here is the gorgeous baby hexie. As you can see the entire flower made of the 1/4” hexies sits on a 1” template. They are so tiny. Bit fiddly but i had so much fun doing it. :)


Terry said...

Your hexagons look great! I bet I could make a boatload of them from my scraps!

Roseanne said...

You can still use the old templated as well. I Like the new designs because you can go in to the edit HTML and change the size of your photo make it smaller or larger.

Raewyn said...

Your hexies are looking good and wow what a challenge to do the 1/4 inch ones!! You can use up the tiniest scraps with those ones!!

Karen said...

Excellent header photo! Such pretty flowers. I LOVE your baby hexi, very brave of you.

Deb said...

Your hexies are looking great Jeanette and so is your blog.

Marie-Anne-José said...

Very nice flowers! Greetings Marianne


I love your flowers and I adore the tiny one.


Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful, with the white centre. I bet you will love sewing the 0,25 ones....they are so cute!

Dolly Cloth said...

beautiful flowers great site
Rita. said...

Your hexies look wonderful, I made most of them from leftovers, too!
What a lovely little one, are you going to make a dollshouse quilt?
Greetings, Cisca

Saskia said...

Lovely flowers, and I love the tiny one! Will come back later, to read about your hexa bag. Bet that's a nice project too, and I have to see that when I have more time.

Simone de Klerk said...

Love those tiny hexagons! Lovey flowers!

Jossie said...

Your flowers are lovely. And I love that cute little bear too.

pajudie said...

I'm impressed - 1/4" hexies!!! They sure are cute - glad you're having fun with them. Will be anxious to see the final result - wall hanging??

Marion B. said...

Nice fabric did you use. And the little one is so cute.

Marieke said...

Your hexies look great! And how small is small! Great you're having fun making them! What are you going to make out of them?

Sheila said...

Love your hexies Jeanette and I think your blog looks great , how did you do that??

Leanne said...

wow that is tinnie tiny.
Looks soo cute tho!

Sandra Henderson said...

So lovely!
and so many!

Cathi said...

Your flowers are wonderful -- I love the tiny 1/4" hexagon flower. Fun to play with, aren't they? :-)

Sandra Henderson said...

I can not wait to see your purse!
Lovely flowers! but oh so tiny!
my fingers are too large....

Thim3 said...

Your flowers are very cute...I like the tiny hexies.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

The hexies look fantastic....and love your new look...

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...