Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

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I have a poor showing of hexies this week. I managed 4 before a migraine drove me to my bed. Just 2 1” hexies & 2 1/2” hexies.
I’d heard about the curve master foot & has i have difficulties with sewing curves on a machine purchased one. Haven’t tried it yet. :)
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Last week Jenny mentioned on her blog about metallic embroidery threads & of a brand she liked. As i’ve been looking for a thread that doesn’t disintegrate as you embroider with it these sounded ideal. I purchased them here. I had the threads within a few days of ordering. I agree with Jenny about how nice the threads are.
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I bought old gold which is black/gold, a gold & a silver.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sewing Tote

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Finally got myself into gear & finished this. The stitchery was completed ages ago. The rest partially cut out. This it the front of the sewing tote.
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The back with foundation piecing.
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The inside. As it’s for a friend i haven’t placed the threads on the reels. At the top is a needle holder, scissor pocket & pincushion. The middle has 2 pockets . A large one for your projects & the other is divided for things like pens & notepads. The pattern & reels/rod can be purchased from

Another finish for me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flowers & Finishes

Despite still being in pain i sat down Sunday & added all the bindings to the 4 things i quilted last week. I got 3 bindings sewn down & was working on the 4th but something bugged me about it. I re-read the pattern several times but still couldn’t figure it out. What to do? I have a similar table topper waiting to be basted together, got it out to work out the problem. Ahah light bulb moment. I really hate it when patterns aren’t clear on instructions. So off the binding has to come. Hence only 3 finishes to show so far. :)
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Table topper from Bronwyn Hayes book “Tea With Friends”.photo's 5874
 I started this with a friend many years ago. All it needed was the leaves hand-quilted on the border. So slack. :) 
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3rd finish. Small wallhanging. Yay 3 more things cleared from the ufo box.
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3 more 1”  hexies for my collection.
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2 1/2” & 1 1/4” hexie.
I spotted this pattern in a magazine & thought it would make a great Christmas gift.
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It arrived last Thursday & as i had to go into town Friday i bought these to make the pattern up. I’m making's 5879

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Flowers & things.

Yesterday afternoon i spent time preparing a pile of hexagons. Cutting out the freezer paper, sorting through the fabrics, ironing the freezer paper onto chosen fabrics & then cutting & gluing ready for sewing together. Hopefully i’ve enough for the next couple of weeks. :) Last night was sewing time & this is what i managed to get made.
photo's 5868Three 1” hexies. All from my scrap basket.
photo's 5869Two 1/2” & one 1/4” hexies. Scraps again. 
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This arrived in the mail Monday. My Bronwyn Hayes mug with the “girls” all over it. 
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These 2 patterns arrived yesterday. One is a Quilters Poem to either embroider or leave as is as it comes with preprinted fabric along with poem on paper. The other pattern is all Christmas deco’s.
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This book arrived today. I haven’t had time to look through it yet as i’ve been working on ufo’s. That makes 4 more removed from the ufo pile. They just need binding now. Had to quit for today as the pain in my back & knee was making it to hard to sit & sew. Oh well. There’s always tomorrow to sit & sew. :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

What Mr Postie brought me:)

Recently reading Bronwyn's blog i discovered 2 new patterns were released. Off to do a Google search i came up empty handed. What to do, what to do? Ahhh, inspiration struck & i did what i did last time i couldn’t find a pattern. I emailed Linda & yes she would order patterns in. A few days later they were in my hot little hands. Thankyou Linda. :)
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A gorgeous little Whatnot Bag.
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Another handy bag to carry all your  sewing goodies.
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Found this blog surfing & it ended up in my collection. :) Some fabulous Christmas ideas in the book.tea time 024
Mr Postie didn’t bring this. I ordered it through a friend. Jane Austen's Bonnets which are gorgeous stitcheries made up into a stunning quilt.tea time 025
This is just one of the stitcheries. Threads used are the beautiful hand-dyed Cottage Garden Threads.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Flowers are Bloomin’

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Wasn’t sure any flowers would bloom for me this week. I’ve been so busy & Tuesday arrived with nothing cut out or prepared. So after basting a table topper yesterday & preparing a bom block i set out to get my hexies ready. My 3 1” ones above. The bottom one is a very pale pink. A leftfover strip from the clamshells.

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Baby sisters. Only managed 1 1/2” hexie this week. By the time i managed to sew these it was my bed time. :)


FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...