Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

photo's 5883
I have a poor showing of hexies this week. I managed 4 before a migraine drove me to my bed. Just 2 1” hexies & 2 1/2” hexies.
I’d heard about the curve master foot & has i have difficulties with sewing curves on a machine purchased one. Haven’t tried it yet. :)
photo's 5884
Last week Jenny mentioned on her blog about metallic embroidery threads & of a brand she liked. As i’ve been looking for a thread that doesn’t disintegrate as you embroider with it these sounded ideal. I purchased them here. I had the threads within a few days of ordering. I agree with Jenny about how nice the threads are.
photo's 5885
I bought old gold which is black/gold, a gold & a silver.


Marion B. said...

I'm sorry to hear about the migraine, hope you feel better soon.
But your flowers are cute.

Marieke said...

Great flowers you made. How will you be going to use them? Hope your migraine is okay, now!

Gerda Hartman said...

Lovely flowers. Hope your migraine is gone. Have a nice day.

Theresa said...

Lovely flowers, hope your poor head is feeling better.

yvonne said...

Sorry voor jou vreselijke hoofdpijn.
En dan toch nog bloemen maken!
petje af voor jou .
Groetjes yvonne

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Poor love with that horrid migraine! They are ghastly companions, aren't they?!
I'm so pleased you liked the threads. They are so pliable too - not like the stiff DMC ones.

Joy said...

Oh Jeanette you poor thing... hope your head is better now - migraines are awful things!!!
Love your hexies!!
Joy :o)

Martina said...

Lovely your flowers. Like the colours. Hope you are feeling better now. It is really not easy with migraines!
Be blessed

Melody said...

Your hexies are great and I just love the quilt on the top of your blog


I am sorry about your migraine, hope it will stay away for a while.
But you made some lovely flowers this week.

Sheila said...

Oh Jeanette , so sorry to hear you have had another migraine , hope ti is better real soon. Your flowers are lovely and you made more than I did and I didn't have a headache ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your migraine...I know how it feels. Still, 4 flowers are not bad and they look very nice.

Dolly Cloth said...

What wonderful work you do,lovely flowers.

Karen said...

Hope you feel better now and I hope it wasn't the hexie flowers that drove you to bed! LOL. Lovely thread and I am interested in what you think of the curve master.

Birdie said...

Nice flowers and I love the farm quilt.

Kate said...

Hi Jeanette..Your flowers are very pretty with lovely fabric.I really love your quilt,,it is fabulous.Hope the migraine has well and truly gone now,,Take care. Kate :)

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...