Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Flowers & things.

Yesterday afternoon i spent time preparing a pile of hexagons. Cutting out the freezer paper, sorting through the fabrics, ironing the freezer paper onto chosen fabrics & then cutting & gluing ready for sewing together. Hopefully i’ve enough for the next couple of weeks. :) Last night was sewing time & this is what i managed to get made.
photo's 5868Three 1” hexies. All from my scrap basket.
photo's 5869Two 1/2” & one 1/4” hexies. Scraps again. 
photo's 5867
This arrived in the mail Monday. My Bronwyn Hayes mug with the “girls” all over it. 
photo's 5870photo's 5871
These 2 patterns arrived yesterday. One is a Quilters Poem to either embroider or leave as is as it comes with preprinted fabric along with poem on paper. The other pattern is all Christmas deco’s.
photo's 5872
This book arrived today. I haven’t had time to look through it yet as i’ve been working on ufo’s. That makes 4 more removed from the ufo pile. They just need binding now. Had to quit for today as the pain in my back & knee was making it to hard to sit & sew. Oh well. There’s always tomorrow to sit & sew. :)


Marion B. said...

Your flowers are pretty and the mug makes me happy, so funny. Happy stitching.

Narelle said...

Lovely bunch of flowers!
and the perfect coffee mug.


Lovely flowers and beautiful patterns and what a cute mug!!!


Kate said...

Hi Jeanette
I just love your blog...This week you have done some more beautiful flowers for your garden, and the patterns you have shared with us,,hmmmm,,,love them too..Kate :)

Wilma Kuin said...

Lovely bunch of flowers!!!

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

You sure have been busy with all the gardens, you are making ;-)).
What a cute mug!

Mascha said...

Lovely flowers!!

yvonne said...

Mooie hexjes en een hele leuke beker. groetjes yvonne

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful and you must have an even better relationship with the local courier than I have LOL

Sheila said...

I love your flowers Jeanette and isn't it wonderful when we can use just scraps to make these lovely little flowers .The mug is so cute and your patterns as well . Hope your back and knee are doing better , take care and big hugs to you .

Valentina said...

Pretty flowers, again!
So sorry to hear about the aches and pains: please take care, Jeanette! Love all the goodies, but the mug is just precious. Congrats on the finishes, that's amazing!

Marion said...

I like your flowers, Jeannette! I see you got the book about the Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt. We have a virtual bee and update about the farmers wife sampler quilt every 22nd of the month. Maybe you like to join us! You're very welcome!

Joy said...

Ooooh Jeanette ... I'm absolutely GREEN with envy over that gawjus mug!!! How fabulous :o)!!!
Your hexies are beautiful, I'm in awe of the 1/4" one!!!
Hope your nasty pains go away!!
Joy :O)

Karen said...

Lovely flowers and cute mug! You have been busy. My sister has the Farmer's Wife book, I've put it on my To-Do List. :) Hope your pain goes away soon.

Terry said...

Love your hexagons. I've seen some blocks from The Farmer's Wife book and they are beautiful! :0)

Lisa said...

Love the mug! The hexies are great.. I recently purchased the Farmers Wife book myself.. lovely isnt it.. I am looking to adding that to my list of 'things to do' Hugs Lisa

Simone de Klerk said...

Love all those different sizes of hexies. 1/4" is really really tiny!

Saskia said...

Lovely flowers! and great job on all the finished UFO's. Farmers wife is a hype.., I start with it next year, as the 2011 year project with my quilt bee friends.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...