Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I’m Late, I’m Late……

No not for a very important date. Yesterday was Clamshell day being the last day of August. All i managed to do again this month was get more prepared. :(photo's 5888
I was so hoping to have at least started to applique them down but life got in the way.
Today is the first day of spring here in Australia. Hope it warms up now. Being Wednesday it’s also hexagon's 5886
Made 4 1” one last night to make up for last weeks poor effort. :) All still being made from my scrap's 5887
3 1/2” ones & just 1 little 1/4” hexie. Not that you can see it very well against the cream doily.
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Recently Cori was showing this project she was working on. I just loved it so when she said the pattern was released i ordered it straight away.  Gorgeous applique.  Love the reds & greens. So springlike. Be nice to have it for spring/summer on a table on the verandah. :)
Kim had a giveaway recently & i won a gorgeous tablerunner pattern with a snowman to embroider in the middle. Maybe this one will be for next winter even though i don’t get snow where i live. Lol.
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Have a fabulous day, Jeanette
PS: I've been having problems with comments not being forwarded by Blogger to my inbox. If i don't reply to the comments left it's not because i don't wish to it's because i can't. I appreciate everyone stopping by & taking the time to leave comments.


Renate Bischoff said...

You have been so busy! The clamshells look so beautiful. I have never done them. It looks difficult.

Unknown said...

Well, that's my tablerunner pattern that you won! Hope you enjoy making it!!!

Karen said...

Flowers and clamshells, a wonderful combination. Happy first day of spring! I will gladly send our heatwave your way!

Dolly Cloth said...

great site to look at.have a great day.

Marion B. said...

You've been busy! The flowers are pretty. I fell in love with the very berry pattern too and pre ordered it inmidiately. So very cute.

Have a nice day.

Joy said...

Love your Clamshells Jeanette, and congrats on your prize too ... yay for you!!
Joy :o)
PS How weird ... I sent an email to Jen today with the exact same title as your blogpost .... !!!!!

Melody said...

A very productive week. Well done


Beautiful clamshells and flowers, love the colors.


Anonymous said...

They are great! 4 in one night is not bad at all.
Enjoy spring and it's colours...I hope you will post some pics of how spring looks at your end of the world

Theresa said...

The fabric for your clamshells is lovely - mine have been neglected over summer, just too many other things to do. You got a lot done on the hexie front though - lovely blooms :D I like that Very Berry pattern, it's wonderful.

Jossie said...

Lovely clamshells Jeanette and lovley flowers as well.

I put a sign in list on my blog which should save much time.

Sheila said...

As usual your flowers are gorgeous and you have been so successful in getting so many made , send me some of that energy will you .Your clamshells are also looking great .Interesting pattern you bought too !

Marieke said...

Great flowers you've made! You made 4 in 1 night? Great! Your clamshells are looking good as well!

Valentina said...

Gorgeous clamshells! Jeanette, prep time does take a lot, so don't apologize. Once you start appliqueing it will be a breeze!
Your flowers are so cute. I have missed your reporting for a few weeks and I am admiring your garden very much!

Raewyn said...

You have well and truly made up for last week - 4 in one night sounds good to me!! Love all the different sized flowers you are making - especially the tiniest one - it is very cute!!

Marion said...

You've been very busy. The flowers and clamshells are very nice.

Birdie said...

You must have a great looking scrap basket to make such lovely flowers.

Anonymous said...

Your calmshells and flowers are lovely, Jeannette! And I love the sewing tote you made!
Greetings, Cisca-Quiltpassion

Narelle said...

Beautiful fabrics for spring and I love the quilt in your header!

Kate said...

Lovely flowers have been so busy.Your clam shells look really pretty too..I am with you ..Spring is finally here,,,lets hope it now warms up a to stitch outside on the verandah don't you? Kate x

grendelskin said...

Your clamshells look great! The preparation takes a long time, you will be surprised how quickly the assembly goes once you get started so lots of prepared clams will serve you well! Your hexies are lovely too.

Saskia said...

The day's are flying by so fast! But I love your flowers, there pretty. And I think all you lady's working on the clamshells are brave!..

Gisele said...

Well at least you have plenty prepared for when you are ready to start stiching the clams, love the colours you've chosen. Thank you for your lovely comment on mine :)Happy Spring!

Julie said...

That "Life" has a lit to answer for! It seems to be getting in the way of all I'd like to get done too! However we should plod on, and keep chipping away at our projects, before long they will be completed and we will hardly have noticed the hours spent on them!

Anonymous said...

You've been busy. Your little teeny tiny flower is cute. It's funny how when you shrink things they turn all cute and adorable.

Simone de Klerk said...

I love the fabrics you are using for your clamshells! Nice and bright.
Some lovely flowers.

Sue-Anne said...

Hi Jeanette, It doesn't matter that they are not joined, its good to have lots prepared so you don't have to stop once you start joining them. I'm looking forward to watching your quilt grow.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...