Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday’s flowers

Not many hexies bloomed this week. I only had a couple prepared in the 1”size. 

photo's 5925

2 pink ones in another flowering bulb. It bloomed since yesterday when i took my other flower photo’'s 5926

1 little 1/4” hiding in the real blooms. :)



Narelle said...

Very pretty!
Gee you're quick off the mark this morning. :-)

Karen said...

Yes, very pretty!

Good morning to you, it is still Tuesday here, just after 8 pm and it is nice to get a jump start on the garden tour.

Sheila said...

Hi Jeanette , you are quick , it is also still Tuesday here .Your flowers are so pretty the hexies as well as that gorgeous potted plant , isn't that incredible ,what a pretty color .

Nayala said...

I love all your flowers, the naturals and the fabrics... All are beutifull

Sue said...

I love your Hexiplant. I'd like one of those and then I could grow my own.

Kim said...

Very pretty Jeanette, what are you going to do with all the hexies?


What a great flowers, you will get a lovely garden.

Ines said...

They are really lovely, Jeannette!
Greetings, Cisca

Melody said...

Three is a good effort and very pretty colours.

Dolly Cloth said...

your flowers are looking good,love the cats they are so beautiful

Mascha said...

Love your flowers!

Renate Bischoff said...

What a different between the 1" and the 1/4" flowers!

Kate said...

Hi Jeanette,all your flowers are looking beautiful...both the hexiflowers and the real ones...Kate xx

Anonymous said...

Woooooooowwww, these look great!

Valentina said...

How cute! Jeanette, how do you stitch the tiny ones? I would love to try making 1/4" hexi... any tips?

Unknown said...

Almost couldn't see the tiny hexie amongst the beautiful flowers. What a perfect match :)

Sandra said...

Your hexies really blend in with the beautiful flowers:)

Roseanne said...

Your hexies look lovey on your flower. I have never had a go at making hexies...

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...