Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flower Day

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After spending Sunday & Monday preparing hexies i only managed 2 blue 1” ones this week.
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2 1/2” ones &
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1 1/4” one.
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This i my display stand. An antique spinning wheel i recently bought. It’s missing the cord from around the big wheel to the small wheel which i’ll have to get replaced. It’s really just for display purposes though. I haven’t used a spinning wheel since i was about 16 so i don’t know how i’d go at spinning now.
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I was going to start making the hexie bag pattern up when i realised the 1/2” hexie shapes off the internet may not be quite right. Better to order pre-cut shapes to ensure the bag comes out the right size to fit the handles. I ordered another handle while i was ordering the hexies so now i can make both bags. :)
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Found this sweet pincushion design over at Cori's . The pattern has 2 styles. I love pincushions. Don’t use most of them. I seem to collect them for display.
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This came in the mail yesterday. Couldn’t resist Bronwyn Hayes new pattern. :) I had to go into town today so i went to Bargain Box &  bought some of the fabrics needed. As the rest are small pieces for applique they will come out of my stash.
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These 2 i bought just because i could. :)
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Karen said...

I like how you displayed the flowers on the old spinning wheel and I just love the yellow polka-dot one!

Kate said...

Lovely flowers agin this week Jeanette,,,and you have some nice projects ahead of you...Hmmm...the bag looks very interesting,,,look forward to seeing that finished,,,xx

Roseanne said...

Boy you are going nuts with those hexies. love your spinning wheel.Very nice patterns.

Marion B. said...

Love your spinning wheel, do you spin too? The blue hexie is my favorite.

Melody said...

Very cute flowers again today. Hello to the beautiful kitty cats.


Beautiful flowers and I love the patterns and fabric!


Anonymous said...

I looooove the bleu one!

Birdie said...

Pretty flowers and new fabric. I would like to see your bag when it is completed.

Sheila said...

Love your spinning wheel Jeanette , it sure makes your flowers look great . No flowers for me again this week , my eye is still sore .Great buys on fabrics and patterns :-)

Michelle said...

You must have quite a few hexies by now! Love how you have the spinning wheel on display, and it looks like you're going to be busy making bags.

Joy said...

Jeanette you must have quite a few hexie flowers by now ... I'm still mighty impressed with those little 1/4" ones ;o)!!! Love your fabric buys too!!
Joy :o)

Betsy said...

Lovely hexie flowers.

Eileen said...

Love your hexie's, great colors! Your spinning wheel is beautiful. I have a spinning wheel but have found no time to spin for years, not even sure if I could spin a decent yarn anymore, sooo sad.

Sandra said...

The blue flower is my favorite. I haven't yet ventured into blue fabrics with my hexies, but yours is really pretty. Looks like you have alot of ongoing projects to keep you busy.

Christina said...

Very nice hexie flowers! Love the tiny ones!!

Nayala said...

Me fascinan tus hexies... Yo también tuve problemas con las plantillas mas pequeñitas... Encontré una manera de crearlas con el "Word" en "". Salen casi perfectos, pero luego hay que cortarlos... ¡¡¡ja!!! ¡¡¡ja!!!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...