Friday, March 25, 2011

Xmas item & another finish

Today is 1 Xmas item a month day & i just made it. :)
I've been wanting to make this ever since Vicki had it on her blog quite a while ago. Now i can cross it off my "to do" list.
My other finish after several years is the table topper that matches the runner i finished a few posts ago.
The embroidery patterns were put out by Crabapple Hill many years ago. The shops that had them created their own versions of a tabletopper out of them. I liked this version the best of what i seen at the time & i loved the fabrics that went with the kit.
Just a couple of close-ups of the patterns used for the embroidery. See i told you i love anything to do with teacups, teapots, jugs & sugar bowls. :) Excuse the wrinkles. Photographed it straight of the line from drying. Lol. I was concerned to with this topper as i discovered a few stains on it when i went to quilt it. Luckily they seem to have some out in the wash.

Happy Stitching,


Narelle said...

Awwwww very nice! And I love the beads in the centre.
Your table topper is gorgeous ... beautiful rose fabric and lovely stitcheries.
Happy Friday :o)

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your Christmas piece is darling. The table topper is beautiful!!

Fee said...

They look wonderful well done on some more finishes.

Hugs - Fee XX

Linda said...

Beautiful finishes. Love the Christmas wreath stitchery! So darling!

Valspierssews said...

The wreath is lovely and the table topper is very 'tea time' with the pretty fabric and the stitchery.

Cheryll said...

What a lovely little hanger for Xmas! And nice work on the topper... such pretty colours and fabric! Great job! :)

Roseanne said...

Very good start to you Christmas stash. Love your table topper.

Brenda said...

Great finishes! Your embroidery work is beautiful!

Vicki ♥ said...

You are flying with your projects Jeanette :) Your wreath has turned out great and your table topper looks so pretty :) Well done...You are getting lots done. Hugs

Elyte said...

You have done a wonderful job with all your stitcheries. The wreath is a lovely Christmas decoration.

Sheila said...

Sweet little wreath and I love the table topper , the stitching is beautiful .hus Sheila

Unknown said...

Your Hexie Wreath is Lovely..
Pretty have been busy..

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette, lovely Christmas Wreath....and love the soft colours of your table pretty....Warm Regards, Lyn

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Fantastic finishes! That wreath is so clever!
xx, shell

Wendy said...

Just love the teacup embroidery!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...