Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1 Xmas Item.

Finally i get to do my post. Only a day late. My family & I drove to northern NSW to spend a few days with my parents & attend the ANZAC ceremony there. I'd gotten credit for my laptop to use only to discover the sim card was obselete & i needed to buy a new one. I wasn't impressed as i hadn't been informed they needed to be replaced every so often.

 This is what i made for my 1 item a month for Christmas.
The little triangles are all stuffed & then sewn together to make a tree shape.

Happy Sewing,

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Days

Time got away again & i realised Wednesday afternoon if i wanted to have the girls rabbits done for Easter & the little bags i had better shift myself. I got in & cut out the dresses & bits for the bags. After the groceries were put away Thursday morning i got stuck into sewing. Thursday night saw me stuffing the rabbits & Friday putting them together & finishing 2 little bags. Who'd have thought such small things would take so long. :)
The bunnies for my daughters,
The little stitchery i posted about a couple posts back is now on it's bag. Thanks Dawn for such a cute bag.
and Bronwyn's Googy bag. And that is it for my Easter sewing.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Swap, goodies & a stitchery

I had several parcels arrive yesterday which gave my day a nice boost as i'd spent it giving my kitchen a thorough cleaning. 1st parcel i opened was from Lisa who was my partner in the Tilda Easter swap. I asked for a hare as i already have a rabbit.

Lisa dressed him in red which i like & he matches my rabbit. :) Lisa also included a fabric egg as a surprise. Lots of yummy choccies in the bag which had a cute little peg with heart attached to enclose the bag. Thankyou again for the lovely gifts Lisa.
Also to arrive yesterday was some books i've been waiting for.

I had been eyeing this off for a while but not sure if i wanted it. I have seen a quilt made up from the book & would like to make it myself. Another hexie project. :)
I ordered this as soon as i knew it was released. This is a new series by Wanda Brunstetter. It's a series called Kentucky Brothers.
I've been reading about Pinmoors & decided to give them a go. They also arrived this week. I've yet to try them out.

And i did this little stitchery the other night. It's from a lovely little Easter bag by Dawn. Hopefully i'll have time this week to finish it before Eaters since i'm spending most days Autumn cleaning the house.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A stitchery & patterns

Yesterday afternoon whilst blog surfing to fill in time until i had to pick up my daughter form school i found that Paula had posted the next little stitchery in her BOM. I had half an hour left so thought "why not". I didn't quite get it all stitched in the half hour but did finish it later on.
Patterns that i'd ordered recently have arrived in the last 2 days.
Cute designs from Gail Pan above & below.
This lovely little purse pattern from Natalie Bird

These little cuties form Anne at Bunnyhill Designs

and i love this cute little bunny pincushion
Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hop, hopping along

I volunteered to play an Easter Angel in the Easter swap i'm in so a lovely lady wouldn't miss out. This is the softie i made her.
Such a cutie & she'll be hopping of to ????? No i can't say where except it's overseas where i think she'll be loved. Bye Bye bunny. The poor bear looks a little worse for wear. He belongs to my son who doesn't want it. I'll have to give the poor thing a tidy up.
Shell posted this last night & i got right onto it as soon as i saw the posting. :)

Happy Stitching,

Monday, April 11, 2011

A finish & some goodies

I made the other candle mat up last week. took a bit longer than the chicken one as it has a bit more embroidery on it.
 A while ago i bought a couple of things i forgot to blog about. I had tried not to buy this book but i saw on a blog somewhere something made up from the book & i decided i had to have the book.
Oh course had to have Bronwyn's latest pattern too. It was in my hands straight off the press. :)
I think i'm a glutton for punishment. I've joined the new Vignette blog to make the hexagon quilt in Vignette 2. Just click on the link in my right side bar if you want to join in. As i was already making a scrappy hexagon quilt i bought a jelly roll for this quilt.
It's Dilly Dally by Me & My Sisters Designs. Decided to buy hexagon shapes this time round rather than print off the net. Ended up with 2 packets as i didn't realise until the first packet arrived i hadn't ordered the packet that included the template.

Last Wednesday night at pathwork club my friend Maree said to me "what are you doing Friday?" I replied " nothing that i know of". Maree then tells me she is off to Boronia Heights. I was a little puzzled & wondered what was at Boronia Heights when it hit me & i said to Maree " oh take me please". Friday comes & i'm picked up at 10 & we head off to Tess's new shop Homespun & Beautiful. :). Lots of gorgeous fabrics there to choose. But i only bought a piece for a bag & some bobble braid in white which i've been looking for for ages.
As we left Maree suggested we head over to Patches. More beautiful fabrics. I was still chasing one last piece i need for Vignette in stitches & found a suitable piece here along with some black fat 1/4's & a purple thang.
Would've prefered white with yellow spot but figured this was as good as i was going to find that matched in with my other fabrics. After we left Patches we headed to The Quilter's Store. So much to see in this store. :) I bought more fabrics for my Civil War quilts, some parlan, a pattern & guess what? i found a white with yellow spot. yay. Also picked up a white with green spot just in case i needed it. lol.
The Civil War fabrics & spots. Oh i forgot about the red & tan piece. It's for a bag pattern.

The pattern. I'd seen a couple made up & thought "what a great idea". Good idea for presents too.

The parlan. Not sure what i'll try this out on yet.

Recently Narelle had a giveaway for her birthday. I didn't win any of the 3 prizes Narelle was giving away but she had decided to do a 4th surprise draw & i won. My prize was in the mail when i arrived home after my fun day fabric shopping. This is what Narelle sent me.
A gorgeous planner. Thankyou Narelle.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My busy days

I've been busy with one thing or another the last few days. Decided Sunday afternoon i needed to do something different but what? I'd recently purchased the felt for the 2 candle mat patterns i bought & since Easter is coming up thought the chicken mat would be perfect. I prepared the bits & pieces for it Sunday afternoon & then spent Sunday night sewing it all together. I think i did an alright job considering i've never made anything with felt before.
 I also finished another Brutus stitchery. I think that is 4 done now.
I've also been working on my Tis The Season BOM. The stitcheries have been done quite a while but i've only just got the sashings on the blocks in the last week.
Blocks for March.
Blocks for April. I've also finished off a WIP & turned it into a UFO.:)  Dawn's Snowflake BOM from last year.
Finished embroidering the last 2 blocks on Friday, then Saturday i embroidered the 2" black squares & Sunday cut all the purple squares. Yesterday was spent putting it together along with the outer border on the applique basket quilt. I was going to start basting all the tops today but it seems i'm developing a migraine so i think it's off to lie down for me.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...