Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Days

Time got away again & i realised Wednesday afternoon if i wanted to have the girls rabbits done for Easter & the little bags i had better shift myself. I got in & cut out the dresses & bits for the bags. After the groceries were put away Thursday morning i got stuck into sewing. Thursday night saw me stuffing the rabbits & Friday putting them together & finishing 2 little bags. Who'd have thought such small things would take so long. :)
The bunnies for my daughters,
The little stitchery i posted about a couple posts back is now on it's bag. Thanks Dawn for such a cute bag.
and Bronwyn's Googy bag. And that is it for my Easter sewing.

Happy Stitching,


Cat said...

Jeanette these are totally and utterly adorable - I wish I'd made time to sew for my kids as well as other people LOL but there is always next year

Fee said...

They look wonderful Jeanette - I am sure that they are going to love them.

Hugs - Fee XX

Unknown said...

How Cute are those Rabbits...You have Been Very Busy & on Time Too Well Done...
Those little Bags will look even More Gorgeous filled with

Sheila said...

Just sweet Jeanette , I am so proud of you for getting all that sewing done , wow I didn't even get one bag done !

Joy said...

Oh how gawjus Jeanette!! Are these Tilda bunnies?? Love those bags too - your girls are gonna get such a lovely surprise tomorrow :o).
Love n hugs,
Joy :o)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette, loved seeing your bunnies.....and the googy bags are gorgeous....Hugs Lyn

Allie said...

So darling, hon! Seems the little things DO take longer, more fiddly maybe? But they sure turned out cute!

Narelle said...

Jeanette, those rabbits are the most beautiful rabbits that i have seen. I just love them and i no that the girls will love them. How lucky they are. Hope that you have a lovely Easter.
Easter Hugs

The little book of Nessie said...

Those rabbits look cute in their outfits. Love the bags too. Regards, Nessie

Michelle Ridgway said...

Those sweet little bags and bunnies made me wish i was a little girl on Easter morning all over again. well done.

Sandra Henderson said...

I came ov to wish you a Happy Easter!, and to find all these charming bunnies?!?! What a smile i have on my face. Just precious! I love all of your lovely work....

Teresa said...

Oh wow Jeanette... your bunnies and bags turned out so gorgeous. I just LOVE those bunnies. You did a terrific job and I see you're like me... work well under a bit of pressure lol! Hope you had a wonderful Easter xx

Roseanne said...

I love your bunnys they are all very sweet and your 2 bags are very nice. What great gifts to give for Easter.

Lisa said...

just GORGEOUS!!!! I love the bunnies and your bags are amazing.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...