Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yummy Mail

Yesterday a parcel i've been waiting on arrived. I opened it to find the goodies all wrapped up lovely.
 Shell had posted recently about her new pattern & as i loved it i ordered it straight away. Also included was a yummy chocolate & teabag. I've yet to try the tea. I mentioned to Shell that i'd forgotten to order the raspberry thread which you can see in the bag. I hoped she would add it to my order & bill me. Well the lovely Shell added it alright but as a giftie. Aren't i lucky?  Thank you so much Shell.
Such a gorgeous stitched house & piecing around it. I also ordered the Valdani threads that go with it.

These threads were designed for Shell & are called Folk Art for Michelle May. They are gorgeous.
I forgot to take a photo of something i bought & it arrived last week.
I ordered this thread holder from Sarah I'm glad i did as i've a use for it today. I've an hours train ride as i'm off to have my hair done by a trainee hairdresser & this gives me an opportunity to sew hexagons together. :)

Happy Stitching,


Sheila said...

I love that pattern Jeanette and the raspberry thread looks good enough to eat lol!Never seen a thread holder like that one , looks interesting . hugs Sheila

donna said...

Can not wait to see your pattern finished I just love it. The thread holder looks neat but I have to say that I have not seen one like that.

Michelle said...

That pattern is so cute, what fun! I must make a comment on the thread holder too, how does it work?

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Hello there sweets! Glad you liked your pressie and goodies. :)
Wishing you lots of happy stitching! Can't wait to see your finished piece!
xx, shell

Allie said...

I LOVE that pattern so much - good for you on getting it, and how lovely of Shell to add the thread to your package - she's such a doll!

Valspierssews said...

Doesn't it make you feel good when you get good service. Choccies, tea and a free thread is certainly above and beyond. I love the box of threads. They look quite yummy and like some of the others I have no idea how your thread holder works :)

Cat said...

ohlala I do love your pattern xxx

Linda said...

Valdani threads are gorgeous!

Damara said...

This quilt looks great. It makes me want to become a better seamstress!

Damara said...

This quilt looks great. It makes me want to become a better seamstress!

Sandra Henderson said...

I just looked and realized I am not a follower of your blog, even thought I AM a follower! sorry about that...
Well, I've never seen this threader before, it is so wonderful. I have the desktop one and love it.
I have enjoyed seeing ALLLL that you have been working on! you have been very busy!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge February is....

..... number 10. For me that is kits & small ufos.  I've taken a photo of kits(photo is just a general idea) & ufo's that we...