Saturday, March 8, 2014


I started my Friday Night with friends early. I needed to get out my collection of repro/civil war fabrics & of course they are all stored in a crate underneath another crate aren't they. Then came the task of choosing fabrics for the project i'm making. That decided on it was preparation time & this is the result.
Last night i started sewing down the applique. This is the block chosen to start with in a group sew along for Gossip In The Garden by Anni Downs. I had no intention of joining in let alone starting another new project but my arm was twisted & the culprits know who they are. :)

Pop on over to visit Cheryl our lovely hostess to see what the other ladies who joined in last night worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Narelle said...

Oh I love this!
Gorgeous design and fabrics :o)

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Looks great. I have ordered the pattern waiting on its arrival. Not looking forward to choosing fabrics.

Michelle Ridgway said...

It is such a beautiful design. Yours looks lovely xx

Sheila said...

It sure is a cute pattern Jeanette , love the fabrics you are using . Hugs Sheila

Terry said...

It's going to be lovely! :0)

Kim said...

Looks lovely.

Unknown said...

Yeah! You Have Started looks Great...don't forget to bring it for show & tell on 23rd...also it's on our Blog on a separate page for you too post.

Rosie said...

Looking good. Can't wait to see it all finished.

Cheryll said...

It's always my pleasure to have you over for FNWF... great stitching too! :)

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

Now wouldn't it be handy if our gardens grew tea pots and cups. Your appliqué looks great.

Barb said...

You have some really lovely prints there!! Good choices!!
Barb :)

Anthea said...

It was worth your fabric delving Jeanette! The block is lovely, I hope you enjoy that SAL in making this pretty quilt x

Anonymous said...

oh my Jeanette this is gorgeous,well done

Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

Love the design and fabrics you chose. You accomplished a lot. Just digging out the fabric would of taken up most of my day!

Tatkis said...

Beautiful fabric choice for Anni's quilt!


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

That is soooooooooooooo cute! Love it!

Unknown said...

Love your site. I'm just getting started with BB's civil war Block of the month and like you, my civil war fabric is way up under something.

Sue said...

Looking good Jeanette. :-)

marina said...

your centre block looks beautiful. lovely sewing done for friday nsi.
pretty fabric on the back of your swap gift.

Unknown said...

Beautiful appliqué! Share the love...visit me at

Susan said...

LOL...yes we know who the culprit is...of course you needed another project!!! (so glad I didn't order that pattern . . .)
loves lovely...

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...