Sunday, April 27, 2014

2 Finishes

The first finish is a little wall hanging for Christmas
Joy by Ramona Hermann. I can't find her blog link anywhere. The second finish is my cross stitch has been framed.
I thought this frame i bought yesterday really suited the cross stitch.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 26, 2014

And The Winner......

.....of the Travelling Cross Stitch is Justine. I hope you have as much fun as i did.

Happy Stitching

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Travelling Cross Stitch

Last month I won the travelling cross stitch pattern from Marina's blog & now it's my turn to give it away.
I stitched it on 14 count aida & used the dmc recommended except for 1 thread which i didn't have & used a substitute.
 This pattern started it's journey in South Africa farewelled by Cucki. Since leaving Cucki in 2011 it has travelled to the UK then Poland and more recently to Western Australia onto Melbourne & now Ipswich.
Thanks to Cucki for sharing a bit of fun.

Here are the rules if you would like the travelling pattern to visit at your house:
1. You must have a blog. 
2. Comment on this post only, saying you would like the chance to stitch it.
3. You must have an active blog to participate; if you have a blog but never post on it you won't be chosen to be the next stitcher.
4.The stitcher who receives the Travelling Pattern must stitch it within an acceptable time frame, finish it & share the finished piece on their blog. Stitch with your choice of fabric & threads; finish it how you wish.
4.Then the stitcher must offer up the Travelling Pattern for another stitcher to use and it will be off on its travel again. You only send the pattern, no 'extras' are required.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Gossip In My Garden

Yesterday i worked on the pieced blocks for Gossips. Such fun working with small pieces. :)
Another long row hard to photograph.
the end result & now i'm ready for what we choose to do next month.
Last night i finished the travelling cross stitch. Not sure what to do with it now. I might buy a photo frame to put it in,
Stay tuned for the give away possibly tomorrow.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 19, 2014

FNSI take 2.

bahh hahha Win for Jeanette no win for technology. :)( found a non damaged usb port at the back of the desktop). Now to the FNSI report that was rudely interupted by technology not co-operating.

First on my list yesterday was to put together the first part of my latest block(no 3 for Sunday Stitchers) for Gossip In The Garden. I'm working on the pieced blocks that go with this row today.
Not a good shot i know but it's such a long block & no matter which way i tried there were problems getting a decent shot.
Next i added borders to this cute Easter stitchery available on Bronwyns blog.
Finally the pandas are a finished top. I completed the last bamboo row at our Sunday Stitchers meeting last Sunday.
The last night i worked on some more cross stitch from the Travelling Cross Stitch. Stay tuned as i'll be having a give away soon for it.

Happy Stitching,

Very Cranky.

This was supposed to be a FNSI post but no the technology doesn't want to work. The USB ports on the desktop malfunctioned the other day so whilst i wait for my techie(aka my son) to fix them or do a computer upgrade i figured i'd use the tablet. But guess what it didn't want to charge. Hoping it was just the cable i bought a new one & yes it was just cable problems. Finally i thought taking photo's of all my projects yesterday i might be able to blog with photos. But no the damn tablet doesn't want to load the photo's. So i'm one very cranky person today.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 5, 2014


After a harrowing day yesterday spent in Toowoomba at a friends son's funeral it was so nice to come home to a parcel in the mail. Upon opening i discovered this oh so gorgeous sewing roll. This is the first swap in our online sewing group Let's Stitch Together.
As i was investigating things i discovered a teabag in the front pocket. :)
& surprises inside as well. Thankyou so much Kerrie. I love the sewing roll so much.

 I had planned to take part in FNWF's but i was so tired & my eyes were sore from crying so i have nothing to show for last night.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What's been under my needle ?

I've been working on Anni Downs Gossip In The Garden as a sew along with friends.
This is the block chosen for last month. I'll find out in a couple of weeks our next block.
Finally finished block 3 of Gail Pans A Merry Christmas Garden bom last night. Just in time as block 4 will be arriving in a week or so.
My next row in the Goodnight Irene sew a long.
My quilt top so far. After sewing Irene yesterday i decide to sew the finished panda blocks together to see what it looked like as the fiddly border has been bugging me. I've not been happy with them & that is one reason the last block has been sitting unfinished for weeks
After sewing them together i'm quite happy now & will finish that last block today & get the quilt ready for when i've finished appliqueing the bamboo borders.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...