Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Travelling Cross Stitch

Last month I won the travelling cross stitch pattern from Marina's blog & now it's my turn to give it away.
I stitched it on 14 count aida & used the dmc recommended except for 1 thread which i didn't have & used a substitute.
 This pattern started it's journey in South Africa farewelled by Cucki. Since leaving Cucki in 2011 it has travelled to the UK then Poland and more recently to Western Australia onto Melbourne & now Ipswich.
Thanks to Cucki for sharing a bit of fun.

Here are the rules if you would like the travelling pattern to visit at your house:
1. You must have a blog. 
2. Comment on this post only, saying you would like the chance to stitch it.
3. You must have an active blog to participate; if you have a blog but never post on it you won't be chosen to be the next stitcher.
4.The stitcher who receives the Travelling Pattern must stitch it within an acceptable time frame, finish it & share the finished piece on their blog. Stitch with your choice of fabric & threads; finish it how you wish.
4.Then the stitcher must offer up the Travelling Pattern for another stitcher to use and it will be off on its travel again. You only send the pattern, no 'extras' are required.


Jan said...

What fun - I'd love to stitch this well-travelled pattern. I bet it has some stories to tell.

Cheryll said...

Great job done on a fantastic idea & pattern. Well done Jeanette! :)

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

Would love to be involved with this giveaway for the travelling pattern.

Happy days.

Anonymous said...

it looks fantastic Jeanette and is such a lovely idea,please dont add me in though,no time at the minute.xx

Susan said...

Such a pretty design - I would love to stitch it.

Justine said...

Please include me. I would love to stitch this chart...so pretty.

Sheila said...

Lovely job Jeanette !

Wendy said...

Your stitchery is so pretty...don't put me in the draw as I do not cross stitch...although I think this is a lovely idea...

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

It's wonderful girlfriend. Don't put me in the drawing though. I can't keep up with anything right now.

Anthea said...

Beautiful cross stitching there Jeanette & your Gossip quilt is looking wonderful, terrific sewing, love it!! xx

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...