Saturday, May 7, 2016

FNwF's May

I'd forgotten when i signed up for FNwF's that i'd be out most of Friday & wasn't sure what time in the evening i'd be getting home & if i'd get any stitching done at all. Luckily I arrived back just in time for Better Homes & Garden followed by Grantchester. All i had left on the final block for Fields Of Lavender was half of 1 flower, the border, stems & french knots.
I noticed after i took a photo the flowers look like little faces. Unfortunately for me for some reason back when i traced the blocks out i didn't cut & trace the borders. Now i have to see if i've any of the background fabric left. I can't even go to the shop i bought it from as they are having a closing down sale & all the tone on tones are gone. :(. As i really liked this print i'm sure there is another big piece in the bottom of the cupboard.

Pop over to visit our lovely hostess Cheryll to find the links to see what everyone got up to last night.

Happy Stitching,


Karen's Korner said...

It seems we have similar TV viewing tastes. Love those cute happy flowers.

Maria said...

LOL yes the flowers do look like they have happy faces...Nice..
Jeanette do hope you have some of the background fabric to finish your project..

Anonymous said...

Hi my lovely friend ,what a cute stitchery you worked on,hope you find some more of that fabric,enjoy your evening Jeanette xx

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Super cute Jeanrtte 💖💖💖

Anthea said...

Oh, Grantchester... I lost track of it on tv, so it looks like dvd's are going to be ordered... great show... Robson is great in anything!
Lovely stitching Jeanette, good thing you made it home in time to do some x

kiwikid said...

I enjoy Grantchester too! Very pretty stitching you are doing.

Julimond said...

Hope you will find the right fabric. Wonderful laughing flowers. They have a face ;-)

Greetings from Germany

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...