Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Sewing Week

I finished the borders to Fields of Lavender
Very hard to get a good photo of them. :(.

 Then during the week i forced myself into the sewing are & have 3 finishes. I was asked is my mojo back. No it isn't i'm just making myself do it there isn't any enthusiasm for sewing/quilting yet. I work on projects at night because sewing whilst watching tv is easier than reading & watching tv. :)

On my sewing table was another little project from the Gail Pan tutor weekend which needed some work done to it. I'd finished 2 little baskets at the tutor weekend & the 3rd cut out when time ran out.
Wednesday night i finished the 3rd basket & added the embroidery. Now to decide whether to do the other 6 baskets from the pattern or just make a small project with these 3.

 After that i decided it's time to work on my Trip Around the World again. Thursday afternoon i spent cutting out the needed squares for another 5 rows.
& have started adding them.

Happy Stitching,


Chookyblue...... said...

Lots of lovely projects to work on the.....

Anonymous said...

good morning my friend ,wow you have sure done alot,hope your mojo returns soon,its a buggar when you have to force your self,you have some lovely finishes there Jeanette,well done xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lots of,lovelies you are working on Jeanette. Sorry you are feeling uninspired :(

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

So many gorgeous projects 💖

Sisbabestitches said...

Gorgeous borders! And delightful little projects finished too :) Sometimes just getting on and gently doing things can be enough for now :)

Anthea said...

Great work there... especially given the Mojo is AWOL... ;)

Cheryl said...

Some lovely finishes Jeanette especially without any sewing mojo. Love those projects of Gail's from your class

Fiona said...

what a heap of stitching you have done...

Bev C said...

Hello Jeanette,

Plenty of variety in your projects, love the little framed one.

Happy days.

Allie-oops Designs said...

Such gorgeous projects, hon, and you're making great progress!! My mojo isn't back either, but I'm not nearly as disciplined as you - I end up playing solitaire on the computer instead.

Melody said...

You'd never guess you'd lost your mojo, everything looks wonderful.

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...