Saturday, August 19, 2017

FNSI August

I make plans but as usual they get thrown out the window. So next month maybe i won't sign up for the sew-ins or make plans. :). lol. I had wanted to get binding made for a quilt i recently had quilted but my daughter asked me to watch the youngest GS for a few hours. Sew what did i do for FNSI? I cut out more fabrics for my Coffin quilt.
Turned them into 70 more coffins
The inner ring are from fabrics swapped with me & the outer from my own fabric collection. Next up after the GS went home was to work on Purplicious Mischief. I added these last 3 blocks to row 7
Then i managed to make a start to adding that row to the top.
Only 1 block was connected before bed called me.

Thankyou Wendy for being a fabulous hostess again. Pop over here to find links to see what projects were worked on by  everyone who joined in FNSI.


Pamela said...

Sometimes plans change, it's beyond our control! You still got a lot done!

Karen's Korner said...

Your plan did not happen but you still had a productive time. It is coming together beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette you did really well my friend considering you fitted in some baby sitting as well,hope you have a lovely weekend xx

Cheryll said...

Spending time with grandies is always a wonderful time.
Great effort in the sewing department too...xox

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

You still got lots done despite the change of plans! xx

Susie H said...

You are making fabulous progress on Purplelicious! Glad to see you were able to accomplish a great deal while watching the GS. said...

Great progress on your purple. No don't make plans, they always get changed in our house too.

Maria said...

Nice to get something done while you had your GS...
Your Purplicious is sew pretty.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Baysit and stitching... perfect ❤️

Raewyn said...

At least you ohad another project you could turn to - the bonus of having lots of things on the go at once!! YOur Purplelicious is growing so well and looking beautiful :-)

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