Saturday, August 26, 2017

More EPP.

Prep for month 7 Icecream Soda blocks was started this week.
 I've made 4 of the 8
& started number 5.

The next hexie in 100 hexies 100 days
As i've been making the hexies for 100 days of hexies i remembered that i wanted to start making some up for a hexie star quilt. Here is the first 10
Now I've just got to make a start on the equilateral triangles that join them.

Day 11 hexies &
 Day 12 of hexies. Bella has been very helpful this week by assisting me sewing row 7 on Purplicious Mischief,  cutting out backing fabric & being a hexie display stand. 😄😄.

Just so you know i haven't been just working on my EPP projects I've been stitching this on & off for a while.

Happy stitching,


Anonymous said...

Good morning my friend,,wow beautiful work ,you always get so much done,lovely stitching xx

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Your EPP is looking great! Love the stitchery too :) xx

Pamela said...

Bella certainly is helpful! Great progress.

Maria said...

Love your special display cat 🐱...
Your stitching is lovely. said...

Very clever cat, braver than me with hexies :)

Fiona said...

i think yoiu are the craziest cat person eep'er I know!! haha

Allie-oops Designs said...

How in the world do you keep all those tiny pieces straight! Looking good, girl!

Binsa said...

Loved seeing your epp projects

FNwF March

 I was rather slack for FNwF. To concerned about that cyclone. I'm hoping that the winds won't affect me to greatly. Well i've p...