Saturday, December 16, 2017

Busy, busy week

Enough is enough i told myself this week, time to dredge up some desire to machine sew. I finished a number of things.
Advent calender for my youngest grandson, late i know.
His Christmas stocking. After that these 2 stitcheries

Both by Natalie Bird of The Birdhouse Designs. I really love these Christmas stitcheries Natalie puts out every year.

Next day i was back at it to finished off more projects
An Annie Downs of Hatched & Patched stitchery
A Gail Pan stitchery. It is supposed to be a cushion with a frame of triangles around the stitched part but i just went for a simple hanging. Next i finished my grandsons name swag.
The cute pattern is from Michelle Ridgway of Rag Tag Stitchin'.

 I had hoped to get binding on 3 quilts next before the next arrive back but it's been a wee bit hot & orthodontist appointments had to be seen to.

Wednesday & Thursday afternoon/evening saw me cutting & gluing the joining pieces for Icecream Soda. There is over 400 pieces in this bag.
Last night i made a start on joining the blocks up
I think i'm going to be here a while as it's very slow going. Well i'm off to try & get those bindings on the quilts.

Happy stitching,


Pamela said...

Many finishes! Well done. I'll look forward to seeing the quilts with binding.

Anonymous said...

Good morning my friend,wow lots of beautiful finishes there Jeanette,well done,you sure have been busy,hope you have a lovely weekend Jeanette xx

Julie said...

You sure have been busy Jeanette! And achieved lots! I still have a stocking to make for my grandson yet. LoVe the Natalie Bird stitcheries.

Anthea said...

Lots going on there for you Jeanette... well done on getting all those EPP pieces basted, it's a slow process, isn't it?!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh wow, so many beautiful finishes!! Well done! It's so lovely when you get to have a productive week with sewing, isn't it.. xx

Fiona said...

oh my gosh you have been busy.... and wonderful projects... I would find all that EPP prep overwhelming I think.... I feel faint thinking about it! haha

Michelle Ridgway said...

You are on fire Jeanette....lovely work! Love how the bunting turned out. Look forward to seeing your bound quilts xx

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...