Monday, December 18, 2017

Finished Quilts

These quilts have been waiting several months for the binding & despite the heat i sewed the bindings on Saturday morning & then proceeded to hand sew them down. I managed 1 quilt Saturday & 3/4's of the 2nd. I finished it & the 3rd last night. Now to bind the 2 quilts that arrived back from Fabulous Fiona on Saturday.

Ist quilt is Applique From The Guest House By Sue Daley. Followed by closeups of the beautiful quilting

The next quilt is Gossip In The Garden By Anni Downs of Hatched & Patched with closeups of several patterns Fiona used to quilt it.

3rd quilt is from several years back run as a quilt along on a friends blog called Charming Stars & another closeup of the quilting.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette wow the 3 of these quilts are amazing,both you and Fiona have done a mighty job,well done my friend xx

Julie said...

Beautiful Jeanette. You must feel so chuffed to finally have them all done - they look amazing!!

Cheryll said...

All the quilting looks sensational... and all the quilts are beautiful. Well done to both you and Fiona...
Merry Christmas xox

Terry said...

How wonderful to see another charming stars quilt finished! It's lovely! :0)

Michelle Ridgway said...

Just beautiful Jeanette. You have stitched them beautifully and Fiona's quilting is the lovely finishing touch. Does that mean you can start 3 new ones now lol!

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I love both of the applique quilts, and the quilting complements them so well! Such lovely finishes xx

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Beautiful quilts!

Fiona said...

thats a lot of binding.... I like hand swewing mine down too.... nice gentle way of finishing it off isn't it. Your quilts are just so pretty and beautifully made...

Cheryl said...

Jeanette they are all stunning. I'm going to buy Gossip in the Garden now after seeing yours lol

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...