Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Whilst watching Anzac Day services i had a productive morning baking followed by an afternoon of stitching.

Anzac biscuits were 1st order of the day

 Followed by date & nut loaf

Then to use up some bananas a banana & nut slice
Happy Stitching,

Lest We Forget

Monday, April 23, 2018


My lime tree did well this year so i decided to have a go at making lime curd again. Seems to have turned out ok.
Just the 2 bottles from 4 limes. The eggs from my chooks have made the curd a darker colour.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, April 21, 2018

FNSI April.

Yesterday was a perfect day for sewing but i just couldn't summon any sewjo to do so. I mostly read all day but last night i did do some embroidery.
I satin stitched the red sock, the spots on the present, outlined  he reindeer's nose & the spots on his antlers which i then started the satin stitch on.

Thankyou to Wendy for being our lovely hostess again. Pop over to Wendy's blog to see who all joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Cooking & crafting

My Bush Lemons ripened a little early & for some reason they didn't grow much larger than golf balls. This seasons crop should've been a good one too but i also lost a few to winds.  So i made lemon butter today with what lemons have ripened & this is the result.
Yesterday i binge watched Lost In Space on Netflix & April blocks of Send My Love by Gail Pan are done.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Round We Go bom

I've just finished the blocks for month nine. As with 7 & 8 months only 3 fabrics are supplied so i'm guessing we are supposed to use leftover fabrics from the first 6 months. As i was putting it together i decided 4 fabrics wasn't enough so found a purple Halloween fabric from my stash to include.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


I have a quilt to bind & decided i'd make a scrappy binding based on the fabrics in the quilt as all the fabrics in the quilt came from my scrap bag. This is how they were stored.
I usually just tip it all out & sort through to find what i want. I had been using this bag because without a sewing room i don't have the room for lots of containers. Today i decided i'd find room somewhere, somehow & went off to the cheapie shop. 6 baskets & a couple hours later & this is the end result.
No more tipping the scraps out & then having to stick them back into the bag.

Happy stitching,

Saturday, April 7, 2018

FNwF April

Last night i joined in Friday Night With Friends hosted by our very lovely Cheryll.

I've been working on a Christmas stitchery which is made up of 3 panels. This is panel number 2.
Pattern is from Fig 'n' Berry.

Pop over to Cheryll's blog to find the links to who joined in last night & what project they worked on.
Thankyou Cheryll for hosting us again.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Snow Hearts

I've been sewing the snow hearts along with Shez & Karen but started a little late & then i seemed to stay behind. I decided when i started that i would make mine into a hanging  rather than individual hearts. Well that idea hit a snag when i prepped March's block over Easter. The heart shape is a little larger then the others. I'll have to ponder on what to do when i've got all 12 hearts made up. Any way i stitched both March & April up last night.
March is on the left & you can see i had to cut the block larger on the length.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Stitch along blocks.

I really dragged my feet in March & didn't get the blocks traced out for the stitch along with Gail Pan. Fast forward & end of March arrived & only 15 day until April blocks will be out. So i set to over Easter & got them done.
Last night i finished off my April blocks for the stitch along Ruth's Dream quilt.
Now to get the snowman blocks for March & April sewn. They are prepped ready to go. :)

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...