Saturday, April 21, 2018

FNSI April.

Yesterday was a perfect day for sewing but i just couldn't summon any sewjo to do so. I mostly read all day but last night i did do some embroidery.
I satin stitched the red sock, the spots on the present, outlined  he reindeer's nose & the spots on his antlers which i then started the satin stitch on.

Thankyou to Wendy for being our lovely hostess again. Pop over to Wendy's blog to see who all joined in & what projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful stitching my friend ,love this design,hope you have a lovely weekend xx

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Lovely embroidery, enjoy the weekend

Maria said...

It's nice to sit and read as sometimes we're just over sewing.
Great you did sit and do a little stitching with us last night.
Cute Christmas one Jeanette.

Susan said...

Just got to do what you can when you can...cute pattern

Julie said...

Its looking gorgeous Jeanette ... hope your sewing mojo returns soon :-)

Karen's Korner said...

Every stitch done is one closer to the finish. It looks very sweet so far.

Karen S said...

Great to see even a little bit getting done. It all counts.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Sounds like a good day....lots of reading and a stitchery full stop xx

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I think many of us are finding it difficult to summon up some sewjo lately. Maybe once winter arrives, we'll be more inspired. Your stitchery is looking lovely. Have a great weekend xx

retdairyqueen said...

Nice stitching
Look forward to the end result

Sheila said...

Nice to get even a few stitches done Jeanette, you do beautiful embroidery ❤

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely embroidery, you will be ready for Christmas!

The Sloan Patch said...

That is one cute stitchery!

Anne Ida said...

What a cute stitching project!

Pamela said...

Very cute!

Allie-oops Designs said...

Sweet stitching!! I've been reading much more than stitching lately....sigh.

Kaisievic said...

Any stitching is good stitching in my book. Reading is also a great pastime, too. Sometimes I do both at once, if I am reading on my kindle so that I can change pages with a quick swipe of the finger.

cocoya said...

Lovely to have delicious homegrown and homemade x

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Your satin stitching is so neat.... I need lessons from you! xx

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