Saturday, September 8, 2018

FNwF September

Yesterday i joined in with our lovely hostess Cheryll  in this months Friday Night with Friends.

I started early & first up was to prep this months Snow Happy Hearts block. It was stitched down later in the afternoon will watching Netflix. Pop over to visit Shez, Karen & Joan to see what their hearts.

2nd on my list was to finally trim back last months Send My Love bom sticheries & turn the edges under ready to stitch. That done they were appliqued later on in the evening as well. The backgrounds were also trimmed back.

3rd on my list was to add the bias binding to baby "C's" banner.

4th project was to cut out a banner i stitched months ago, add the backing & then the bias along the top. The bells were stitched on during the evening.

5th project was to add borders, wadding, backing, quilt  & then binding this free stitchery from Michelle. Binding was stitched during the evening.

Last project was one i stitched a month or so ago. It is from Fig n Berry Creations. I added borders, wadding, backing, quilted it & sewed on the binding & it also was ready for the pile of projects to work on during the evening.

That was my busy day of sewing. So glad my project pile has some what shortened. Just wish my ufo list was being shortened as well.:).

Pop over to Cheryll's blog to see who all joined i last night & see what projects they worked on.

Happy Sewing.


Maria said...

Oh WOW! You sure id well and got lots of smaller projects done..
You have reminded me I have started the cute christmas tree and snowmen designed by Michelle. Must get it done...

Fiona said...

Goodness me.... you did get going... well done on masses of lovely projects

Michelle Ridgway said...

My are on fire Jeanette. Beautiful that you stitched my freebie xx

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Oh my gosh, you had a super busy and productive day! I need some of your sew-jo to rub off on me. Everything looks beautiful xx

Karen's Korner said...

I am in awe of your beautiful achievements.

Julie said...

WoW! Jeanette! You achieved SO much. Everything is beautiful as always ... you must feel so chuffed you got so much done!

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Well done lots of lovely sewing.

Karen S said...

You really have been busy. It is great to see all your projects. Well done.
I nearly have my hearts ready. Yours is delightful!

retdairyqueen said...

A good night for you I would say

Allie said...

What a busy little bee you've been, and what wonderful projects to work on, they're darling!!

Radka said...

Lovely stitcheries, you have been busy! :-)

CathyC said...

WOW, you got a lot done :)

kiwikid said...

You got so much done, well done, so many beautiful projects.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful work my friend,you sure did well,hope you have a lovely Sunday my friend xx

Narelle said...

You managed to pack lots of lovlies into your Friday ... well done xx

Anthea said...

Wow Jeanette, you're on a roll there, getting so much done!
Great projects & yes it must be satisfying to see them completed now... perfect opportunity to continue to tackle the dreaded UFO pile.

Cheryll said...

OMG...I’m exhausted just reading what you got up to...on gorgeous projects...
Thanks for dropping in FNwF...xox

Susan said...

That is a LOT of progress - well done!

FNwF March

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