Saturday, January 19, 2019

FNSI January.

Last night i joined in with 25 ladies for the first Sew In for 2019. Pop over to Wendy's blog to find the links to who all joined in & what projects they worked on. Thankyou Wendy for hosting us again this year.

My first project was to turn my snowman into a cushion. I added the backing during the morning & stuffed the pillow in the evening.

The next project was my pansy cross stitch scissor keep. I added the backing, tassle & cord in the morning & stuffed it ready to go in the evening.

Next project was this little owl i'd stitched last year. It was supposed to be cut out around the owl & turned into an ornament but i went with a hanging instead.

Binding sewn down in the evening, bells added & already in it's new home with my daughter.

A stitchery i had stitched last year was next. It took me a little longer than i'd hoped as i needed to applique it to the background, quilt around it & then add the buttons before even doing the back part which took a little while to do. :)
Back. And Voila! a nice new bag for my projects. The binding was sewn down in the evening as well.

Last night i made these 4 hexie flowers.

Happy Stitching,


Cheryll said...

You were very productive on some great projects. Well done xox

Maria said...

You had a very productive FNSI finishing lots of lovely projects.
The Owl is my favorite with the perfect brown border and hanger..

Pink Rose said...

Good morning Jeanette you sure have been busy ,you have made so many beautiful projects,well done,and hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend xx

Fiona said...

You had a very good day/night stitching... I love that little scissor fob.... well I love them all but that is a favourite. I really need to do some of those project bags

Michelle Ridgway said...

Some lovely finishes Jeanette...well done!

retdairyqueen said...

So much loveliness there
Love the pansies I admire cross stitch but am not good at it

Karen's Korner said...

Well done on all those lovely project finishes. Very satisfying feeling.

Karen S said...

The little cushion is gorgeous. Lovely finish on the fob, too.
Well done with all the finishes in your busy part of the world.

Julie said...

Love, LoVe everything you have created Jeanette. Especially love the snowman cushion - it looks wonderful !!

Narelle said...

How do you do it? Many lovelies finished on Friday, well done :)

Raewyn said...

You had a busy night - and oh, what a lot of gorgeous projects you are working on! It's hard to pick a favourite - I love them all, but that snowman sure is cute!

Linda in Arkansas said...

You really knocked FNSI out of the park with your projects. Your little bag with the scissors and spools of thread is so cute. You did a great job on it.

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...