Wednesday, August 25, 2021

New Project

yes i know i wasn't starting anything new until i had my ufo's under control. :) :). However i had planned for a long time to make a Halloween runner using an EPP coffin shape since i started my coffin quilt years ago. This shape though is shaped like a casket & i had Halloween fabrics left from my Halloween quilt. My daughter is planning a Halloween party & i thought this was a good time to make it & use up those scraps. I've cut out about 30 so far & still have 30 to go.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, August 23, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Zoom Zoom

 Yesterday I joined in the Zoom meeting hosted by Chookyblue. As always a lovely day to sit, stitch & chat. Lovely ladies from Australia, New Zealand, Canada & USA all join in.  It's nice to see the projects & chat about what is happening with us & around the world. One lady made me smile when she said she gets worried when Chookyblue doesn't put up a Zoom blog post during the month. No pressure Chookyblue. :)

I worked on my star hexies. I thought i'd made 5 but is was only 4 & a 3/4 finish on the 5th.

I think i have about 10 more to make to bring it up to 40. Then i'll start adding the red triangle joining pieces & decide after that if i want it bigger.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 21, 2021

FNSI August.

 Not much to show for my FNSI. My project was to turn these

Into these

I have about 100 more little triangles to make up yet if i stick to just the 40 rosettes. If i add another 20 rosettes i need 240 little triangles on top of that. :)

Next i started making this

Into these

After that the headache i'd been fighting all day sent me to bed.

Pop over to hostess Wendy's blog to see who joined in & their projects.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 Yesterday i finished off some items that i'd started on last Friday.

Just the binding needed yesterday.

The needlecase has pockets inside to store packets of needles in. Both patterns from Gail Pan designs.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Dilly bag


I made the felt flower last year when i made the matching needlecase but when i decided i wouldn't use the case for a swap i put the bag aside. Yesterday was the day for finishing it. Now to move onto the next set of ufo's. :) Called Gem's Dilly Bag by Marg Low Designs.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Friday Sewing

 Since i didn't get to sit  & sew with the FNwF last week i made sure i had a sewing Friday this week. Still trying to clear UFO's. 

I started by making up these cute little pillows for Christmas

Next was this stocking. Not sure why i left it so long to finish. It was put together quite quickly. :)

It is more of a decorative item than one to put presents in. Maybe i'll just put some holly picks in it at Christmas.

Next item was this pattern from The Raspberry Rabbits.

After that was a free stitchery from Bareroots that was given out late 2018 to stitch ready for 2019 but i didn't get to it at that time. The original pattern was made into a cushion but it wanted mine to be a hanging.

These little stitcheries i'd stitched earlier this year but only got them appliqued to the red fabric earlier last week (one of the projects for sewing last Friday).I added the green border, wadding & backing so i could start the quilting around the stitchery. After that is a bit of machine quilting, some ric rac added & then buttons & binding. :)

Last was to get these to sticheries cut out ready to applique to the background fabric. I didn't get far last night. By the time i stuffed the cushions, did 2 bindings & started the quilting my evening had past by quickly & i was ready for bed.

I'd stitched these last year as one idea for a needlecase swap i was in. I went with another pattern in the end so i'll make up the needlecase & pincushion for me or maybe i'll put them into a box for any swaps i join in the future.

And now my hanging has become a cat mat. Thanks Lil P for giving it your approval as something comfy to lay on. Ha Ha.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...