Saturday, December 18, 2021

FNSI December

 Well here we are at the last FNSI for 2021, 1 week away from Christmas & 2 weeks away from 2022.

Thanks to Wendy for hosting FNSI throughout the year.

For FNSI yesterday i finally got to sit & finish my GD's Christmas present.

Next was to make a 10 minute table runner. I bought this kit many years ago & in my cleaning & sorting i found it & decided to get it made this year.

I started another table runner which according to the pattern i printed it out in 2014. :) The fabrics were also chosen back then too.
binding was made & backing chosen but then i had to stop as my GS was coming to stay the night.

After a pizza dinner i finished this block off. All it needed was some satin stitching on the penguins hat.
As i was stitching my GS was asking me all sorts of questions about stitching so i found him a simple( i hope) pattern to stitch & he has started on that. Meanwhile i started on another block

Pop over here to see who joined in last night & the projects that was worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Jeanna said...

You made a nice gift for your granddaughter and how exciting that your grandson has an interest in stitching. I hope he lets you share his progress. I love your redwork, such pretty stitches.

Julie said...

Your grandaughters gift is just beautiful Jeanette - I am guessing she is a cat lover too. Your stitcheries are wonderful as always ... I am hoping that one day my grandson might show an interest in stitching too. I have no grandaughters to teach so the boys may have to learn 😉 xx

Maria said...

Lovely gift for your GD…
You’ve been busy getting long term work UFOs done.
Nice to sit and stitch ..
How did your GS go?

Karen's Korner said...

Very cute kitty and bag for your granddaughter. Nice to have a sewing companion. Love the 10 min tablerunner....did it only take 10 minutes - I have often wondered.

Fiona said...

How cute GS wants to stitch with you.... even they get a sense of achievement of making something... Love the kitty and bag you made... very cute and great table runners.... getting lots of those UFO's done...

Karen S said...

Lots of lovely Christmas projects. You have been busy.

Lin said...

What a busy time you had! The bag with it's little cat is gorgeous! Very nice table runners and great redwork stitching. xx

Janice said...

You did make good use of your time. How good to get the Christmas runner made and the second one is lovely too. I hope your GS enjoyed his stitching introduction.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Jeanette beautiful gift for your grand daughter and how lovely that your grandson is interested in stitching.
Just popped in to wish you a. Errs Christmas and a happy and safe New Year xx

Hearts & a finish

 I have joined in with Kathleen Tracy to make 14 hearts for the next 14 days. T hese little hearts aren't about just about Valentines da...