Sunday, August 27, 2023

Tail Feather....

 ..... is done finally. I started stitching the applique & embroidery about 2014, stopped & started again early 2016. I started putting rows together June 2016. That was it until i saw a finished one on Instagram back in 2020 & thought "time to get it finished off". After putting all the blocks together i went to add borders & found i didn't have the fabric. Grrr. A quick post online & a good friend said she had the matching fabric. Yay, i was so thankful. May 2020 saw Tail Feathers as a flimsy.

A while back i sent it away to Fiona to work her quilting magic. Back it came beautifully quilted & i finally sat myself down 2 evenings ago to start hand stitching the binding down.

After a wash & dry it is now hanging in the dining room. Now to finish binding the churn dash quilt. :)

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Another jigsaw done.

 A new jigsaw arrived on Tuesday. I started it that day & was just pottering at it but today i had a helper & it was completed before i had planned for it. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 19, 2023

FNSI August

 My day for FNSI started early. I put binding on 3 large quilts

I stacked them ready to take a photo & someone thought they were for her. Anyway they are ready for a binge session on Netflix/Disney to handsew those bindings.

Next i pulled 2 Christmas stitcheries out of my basket of small ufo's to complete

Then a Zoom session last night with Chookyblue saw those bindings handstitched down

Now to see what is next on the list to finish. :)

Pop over here to visit our lovely hostess Wendy to see who joined in last night

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

quilt jigsaw

 The latest 100 piece jigsaw arrived yesterday but i didn't realise when ordering it that the pieces are super sized. I only found out when reading the box. When laying out the border i discovered just how large it would be. Almost double the size of my regular 1000 piece puzzles.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, August 13, 2023

When life gives you lemons.......

your make lemon meringue pie. :) :)

and it hardly made a dent in the basketful. I think there is maybe 20-25 more lemons on the tree. I was going to make Limoncello until i saw how much the vodka had gone up in price. :(

It's a lovely sunny day here, more like summer than autumn so i thought i'd take some photo's of what is blooming in my garden


osteospermums with sweet william in the photo above.
azaleas, 3 of them belonged to my Mum

some bulbs. Snowdrop from my Mum's garden(top photo) & a jonquil i've given a try this year.
can't remember the name of this bush but i love the little flowers one it. 

And lastly a little surprise for me, a sweet pea bloom. When i watered the other day i didn't notice any buds so it was a happy find in my little garden. I didn't think i'd get any as i was rather lax in planting out so of the punnet only 2 survived. The flowering one has grown maybe 15" but the other has only grown about 6". 

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, August 5, 2023

FNwF August

 It was FNwF yesterday hosted by Cheryll.  I decided to make the RSC blocks for August, yellow fabrics having been chosen earlier in the week i started with the bowties. 

Those 6 finished & as i'm pressing them thought "hmmm something is wrong with these" Darn i made white bow ties not yellow ones. :( Now to find a use for them.

 Back to the cutting mat i go making sure i cut 2" yellow squares this time. :)
Those correctly done i moved on to making the churn dash blocks. No wrong cutting with those but i did only cut 2 yellow rectangles per block instead of 4. :) I was beginning to think i shouldn't have been sewing at all. That being an easy fix i proceeded with sewing.
By that time i'd had enough of sewing. Lol.  I just pottered around for a while & then in the evening i started the 2nd Christmas hanging that arrived yesterday morning. From Fig n Berry creations Christmas club.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, August 4, 2023

quilt jigsaw

 I started the last of my quilt jigsaws sometime Wednesday & had almost all the bottom 1/4 done by the time i went to bed. Yesterday afternoon/evening was spent completing it.

Now i better get back to making my own quilts instead of doing jigsaws about them. :) As the new Homespun is out i'd better get the blocks done for Owl & Hare Hollow.

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 A couple of years back i started a jigsaw but put it away for some reason, then i lost the use of my dining table/room for a year or so but the other day i finally got the table/room back. Hmm i think i'll get that jigsaw out & finally finish it off. I think i had about a 1/4 done when put away. It took 2 days & a bit of frustration with the top left corner but it is done!!

Now to do the last one of a range of quilt jigsaws i bought about 4 years ago.

Happy Stitching,

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...