Sunday, August 13, 2023

When life gives you lemons.......

your make lemon meringue pie. :) :)

and it hardly made a dent in the basketful. I think there is maybe 20-25 more lemons on the tree. I was going to make Limoncello until i saw how much the vodka had gone up in price. :(

It's a lovely sunny day here, more like summer than autumn so i thought i'd take some photo's of what is blooming in my garden


osteospermums with sweet william in the photo above.
azaleas, 3 of them belonged to my Mum

some bulbs. Snowdrop from my Mum's garden(top photo) & a jonquil i've given a try this year.
can't remember the name of this bush but i love the little flowers one it. 

And lastly a little surprise for me, a sweet pea bloom. When i watered the other day i didn't notice any buds so it was a happy find in my little garden. I didn't think i'd get any as i was rather lax in planting out so of the punnet only 2 survived. The flowering one has grown maybe 15" but the other has only grown about 6". 

Happy Stitching,


Fiona said...

Lots of prettiness in your garden. Great to have the lemons - our trees did pretty well this year too.... we make a lemon cordial (great with gin too) Lemon is one of my most favourite flavours...

Susan said...

The garden is looking very pretty - but boy! it did get hot quickly! (poop)
Maybe you need to set up a street stall and sell your lemons!

Jeanna said...

Wow, you harvested quite a bunch of lemons. THe pie looks delish! I can never get my topping to brown nicely like yours. The flower in your garden are so pretty!

Chookyblue...... said...

oh I'm coming for desert........lots of flowers coming along in the garden........been years since I grew sweetpeas........I love them so should grow more.....

Potato Chips

 Third project for RSC is started. I made up the potato chip blocks yesterday, These projects still aren't making much of a dent in the ...