Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Chookshed Challenge for 2025

 Deana is hosting the Chookeshed Challenge again this year & it's time to post my list of 10 things to work on/finish. :)
  • School girl sampler - put it together
  • Finish rainbow scrap '24 projects.
  • borders on epp projects
  • tiny 9 patches. Make more & turn into tops
  • Owl & Hare Hollow
  • Natalie Bird hanging. Put together & quilt
  • quilt & bind Christmas wallhanging, purple cat hanging, 4 square table mat, applique tablemat
  • finish needlebook
  • 2 Christmas stitcheries to stitch
  • some of my kits/small ufos

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 21, 2024

FNSI December

 I had plans for FNSI but they went out the window so by the time i got to do any stitching it was evening :) Not to worry as i spent the day with the GC's & at least the lawn got mowed before we have more rain. :) :)

What did i stitch? Blocks for Beanie Season by Fig n Berry creations

The first block is done, i only had the beanies to do & the 2nd started. 

I need to trace more out now as that was the last one. The quilt has 40 odd blocks & i only traced about half before i got tired of it. :) AND by more thread. Despite using only one strand & buying a heap of red i'm running out. :(

Pop over here to vist our hostess Wendy.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 7, 2024

FNwF December

 A busy day yesterday for FNwF. I started early to make up a kit i've had many, many years. Called Colour & Carry it's a handy bag for littlies for their colouring in books & pencils. Inside is 2 pockets, a large on on one side the other is split into 2.

The binding was hand sewn down in the evening.  Then onto more ladder star blocks. I'm at the half way mark now. I've been through every check/plaid fabric i had so now it's time to start again. I'll have to try not to get the same 2 fabrics together this time so my blocks look all different. :)
After mowing half the lawn, sewing down the binding i really wasn't up to anything strenuous so i grabbed out my hexie diamonds. I finished off the blue one which i'd started on Thursday night, completed another & started on a 3rd before my bed called. :)

Pop over here to visit our hostess Cheryll.

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 Ladder Star is slowly growing. In the last couple weeks i've finished 12. Total is now 24 finished blocks plus another 2 half sewn. :) That leaves 38 blocks to go.

Beanie Season is also slowly growing. Another 9 completed since my last post including the one from that post.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 16, 2024

FNSI November

 Not sure how it got to be the 3rd Friday of the month yesterday but it was.

Friday was a busy one for me. I made 10 more blocks for Ladder Star

Total of 12 & i need 64. If i keep up my momentum i could have a top by end of next week :) :).

I switched to embroidery in the evening. I finished this block off

and started this one

Happy Stitching,

Friday, November 15, 2024

Binding, binding & more binding

  A week or sew ago i made myself get to quilting 3 small ufo's, add the binding to them & bind 3 hangings that i'd had quilted by bubzrugz earlier this year. That done i spent the last week hand sewing the bindings down. 6 more ufo's done & dusted.

First one was a simple runner from a bag of 1/2" hexies i acquired somewhere.

Next up a mat made of thimbles
I won this as a top on IG
next  A Redwork Christmas by Fig N Berry Creations.

then Merry & Bright by Gail Pan Designs.
and finally stitched the last stitch last night on It's A Redwork Christmas by Rosalie Quinlan.
I discovered when recently selling off patterns that i had 2 of these. LOL. Pays to check patterns out before buying. :)

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 2, 2024

FNwF November

 Yesterday was FNwF & would've been my Dad's 99th birthday so despite feeling quite sad i set to with my sewing.

First up was a ufo. The blocks were stitched in 2019 & then i abandoned it when i got to the borders. Not sure actually when i stitched the borders after that as i can't find any photo's, I did find one in 2022 when i tried ironing on the transfers & that wasn't a success. Anyhoo time to finish it up into a top at least. :)

After a short rest i decided to give one of Bonnie Sullivan's a try. She had recently made a quilt using plaids & checks. Hers is from recycled shirts, mine is from a stash of plaids & checks. Not sure why i have so many. :) But time for them to go. I may have enough to make several quilts. lol
First 2 blocks. I quite after that as i kept making mistakes with the green block & it was the second block & it was getting late. The patterns is called ladder star.

After dinner it was time for hand sewing. I had started a Lucy block on Thursday night
and got this far by the time for bed.
Pop over to our lovely hostess Cheryll to see who joined in to sew last night.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, October 31, 2024

October Chookshed Challenge Update.

 My challenge for this month was to do something with my numerous kits. I have 1 finish & an almost finish. :)

A Christmas mat

and a Christmas table runner
which would've been finished if it weren't for things going wrong. It nearly ended up in the naughty corner. :) But despite a bit of fabric wasted i made it work in the end. :~

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 19, 2024

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy.

I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice.

I wasn't sure how far i'd get as i'm looking after the grandkids but i managed a fair bit. :)
Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 5, 2024

FNwF October

 For FNwF last night hosted by Cheryll i chose to finish of the hexie fillers for the Libby Morgan quilt.

All done

& the top is ready now to be trimmed & borders added

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October Chookshed Challenge.

 The last challenge is for me to work on one or more of my many kits.

Plenty to choose from in here & a ufo or 3 :)

and in here.
I'll choose several & hope i get them done before months end.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, September 30, 2024

September Chookshed challenge update.

 My EPP ufo's started like this

Some progress was made on most of them.

1797 revisted has borders

The coffin quilt is has had the sides, top & bottom pieces added & trimmed
and the thimble table runner has been completed.
The other 2 i just didn't get to at all.

Whilst have a good old clear out i found a few more EPP ufu's i'd forgotten about & i did take a photo but i think i accidently deleted it.

Out of that lot i've prepped these 2 for quilting

and started filling in the edges of this one
another top i had been going to trim side to square up but on inspection felt the sides needed some fillers before trimming back so that is back on the to do pile. The other EPP projects are a bunch of flowers made many years ago that need to be sewn into mini quilts they are also back on my to do list. :)

Many thanks to Deana for encouraging us to work on our ufo's all year long. Mine have certainly been move along one way or another.

Off to find some kits to work on for Octobers challenge.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, September 26, 2024

quilting & grandchildren.

 A few weeks back GS number 2 was over for a stay & asked could he make another little quilt. Out comes the box of pre-cut squares & he chooses what he wants. I help him guide the squares through to make the little quilt but then he abandons it to Nan Nan to finish. :) lol

I added the borders & mad ready to quilt. I finally managed to do that yesterday. I will be able to give him the quilt today for his bears.

Making these small quilts isn't really making a dent in the fabrics/scraps. :) :)

Happy Stitching

Saturday, September 21, 2024

FNSI September.

My project for FNSI hosted by Wendy is one of my challenge EPP ufo's. This one is my coffin quilt & i'm on the last side adding pieces. I was nearly finished last night but found i was about 3 short. Hmm must learn to count better. LOL. Time for bed by then & sort the missing pieces out later.

after i add the final pieces it just needs a trim & then onto the quilting pile it shall go. So that will, cross fingers, be 3 EPP projects moved along.

I've been having a good old cleanout & as i was doing so i discovered several more EPP projects i had forgotten about. Whoopsie. :) Add them to my list so i don't forget them again.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Not a lot of sewing happening at my house:(. So i'm posting some of the plant that have bloomed in my garden. :)

 I had hope to have heaps done on my challenge but this health problem is making it very hard. I have had blood tests, xrays & scans done & they all come back with nothing. So the Dr thinks i may have a broken/cracked rib & so i need to go for more scans. :( Puzzle now is how did i break/crack a rib. 

 Makes it hard to do a lot of anything. I had hoped to be further along with my challenge but i'm still muddling along with adding pieces to the coffin quilt. 1 of the others is ready to have backing & wadding & the other the border machined on. I don't think i will get to the other 2 which have the borders appliqued one but i will keep going as i can with them. Need to catch up on other projects too for this month. :)

So to my flowers

When my brother moved i ended up with quite a few plants this orchid being one of them.


and these 2 azaleas. :)

My azaleas have been blooming nicely but i keep forgetting to take photos so a lot of the blooms are dead. :(

The poinsettias are blooming nicely

& i spotted bloom on the yesterday, today & tomorrow plant

and lastly as i was looking out over the other collection of pot plant i noticed a hippie in bloom

Sadly my other bulbs didn't do so well this year. I'm guessing they don't like being in pots. :(

Happy Sewing,

Saturday, September 7, 2024

FnwF September.

 I didn't get a lot of stitching done on my little project last night. I started with this

and made it this far before a painful mystery illness caused me to give up.

Pop over here to see who joined in. Thankyou Cheryll for hosting us again.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, August 30, 2024

September Chookshed Challenge number is ....


That means turning all my EPP projects into tops. They don't have a lot to finish them off. :)

The one on the left end is finished just need to be quilted, the purple one appliqued onto borders. The next one the borders are added in a way that i don't care for so i need to think on how i will add the borders. The 2nd last (queen size coffin quilt) needs fillers along edges & the end one needs to be trimmed along the sides so i can add borders. Cross fingers they'll all be done by September end. Thanks again Deanna for keeping us on track to get those pesky ufo's moved along. :)

Happy Stitching,

FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...