Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Not a lot of sewing happening at my house:(. So i'm posting some of the plant that have bloomed in my garden. :)

 I had hope to have heaps done on my challenge but this health problem is making it very hard. I have had blood tests, xrays & scans done & they all come back with nothing. So the Dr thinks i may have a broken/cracked rib & so i need to go for more scans. :( Puzzle now is how did i break/crack a rib. 

 Makes it hard to do a lot of anything. I had hoped to be further along with my challenge but i'm still muddling along with adding pieces to the coffin quilt. 1 of the others is ready to have backing & wadding & the other the border machined on. I don't think i will get to the other 2 which have the borders appliqued one but i will keep going as i can with them. Need to catch up on other projects too for this month. :)

So to my flowers

When my brother moved i ended up with quite a few plants this orchid being one of them.


and these 2 azaleas. :)

My azaleas have been blooming nicely but i keep forgetting to take photos so a lot of the blooms are dead. :(

The poinsettias are blooming nicely

& i spotted bloom on the yesterday, today & tomorrow plant

and lastly as i was looking out over the other collection of pot plant i noticed a hippie in bloom

Sadly my other bulbs didn't do so well this year. I'm guessing they don't like being in pots. :(

Happy Sewing,

Saturday, September 7, 2024

FnwF September.

 I didn't get a lot of stitching done on my little project last night. I started with this

and made it this far before a painful mystery illness caused me to give up.

Pop over here to see who joined in. Thankyou Cheryll for hosting us again.

Happy Stitching,


 Not a lot of sewing happening at my house:(. So i'm posting some of the plant that have bloomed in my garden. :)  I had hope to have he...