Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 is nearly over. It's 2:30pm here in my very hot house. Have to stay up late as the pyrotech says everyone should be able to see the fireworks all over town from the park where he is setting up. Be 2 shows so i'm hoping as i love fireworks. I just wanted to say to everyone "Have a Happy New Years" & i hope 2009 brings everything you wish for.


Sunday, December 28, 2008


I remembered a photo i'd taken of a lovely gift sent to me from my friend in Canada. Everything is handmade. The mountain scene is all fabrics, the Christmas card has fabric trees & the postcard has a saying on it. It reads "quilters share a common thread, we admit... we are powerless over fabric". Along with these lovely things was a beautiful calender of Canadian scenery. My other friend in Canada also sent a calender of scenery & a lovely applique pattern.


Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hi all, I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I had a fabulous day. We went to my parents home where my daughter & her partner joined us Christmas day. We all enjoyed seeing each other as it's not often we are all together. As usual lots of yummy food & we ate too much. :) Lovely gifts received. Haven't any photo's as yet as they are on my son's camera & haven't been put on the computer. We took the girls for a walk Christmas night to look at the light display. A fabulous display to be seen.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

stitcheries & yule logs.

I enjoyed making the bon bon from Anni Downs so much i made a 2nd one which i have sent to a friend. I put yummy toffees in it. I also made a stuffed heart from May Britt's cute stitchery. My House Elf was busy again & made a Yule Log this time. It is really yummy.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

computers & sewing

I had troubles making a link to another blog, then i had children hogging the computer & today i couldn't load photo's until the House Elf figured out a way to add them to the computer. One advantage of not being able to have computer time is i sew. I managed to get a few things done this last week. A tablecloth for my daughter, a foundation pieced block swap with my patchwork club, 2 cute projects from Anni Downs, Gail Pan's lovely litttle stitchery & another cat bag made within the space of hours to give as a present today.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gingerbread House

I've always wanted to make a gingerbread house at Christmas but never seemed to get around to it. This year i hade one made for me by my house elf. Aren't i lucky. It took the Elf most of the day to make it.


Friday, December 5, 2008


I managed to finally get the last 2 things finished to be sent overseas. Just 3 days late. Wednesday was just sewing, sewing & more sewing. The cat bags are part of a sewing set. I have been trying to make myself the set since i bought the pattern but the kids all like the bags. I finally got my set made. I've now made 6 cat bags altogether. They are really cute. The wallhanging is for a friend's daughter in law who had a baby back in August. Just a little behind on that one. :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

A finished quilt

After 10 years this quilt has at last been completed. It has sat as a top waiting patiently for me to finish. I'm so pleased to have 1 less thing to finish.

The Christmas cones are for friends overseas along with the pincushion & thread catcher. Still have 2 of those to make. Also have made 2 more doorstop bags. Have been very busy as well sewing knitted lace together for my SIL. As a thankyou i have received some of it & it's very beautiful. Will take photo's when it's washed & blocked. I asked her would she kindly crochet me some edging to put on the giant pincushion as well a small doily for the top & she is doing so. Aren't i lucky. Now to buy fabrics. :) The flowers are blood lillies. I didn't think i'd ever get them to bloom again. Have been surfing the net & discovered some wonderful bag patterns that i just have to have. More for my "one day" list. 2 of them are deceptive though. They may look like bags but really they hold your needles, pins & scissors. Very cute.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quilt/craft show

I had a great day attending the craft/quilt show at the Brisbane convention centre. I met up with Joy & her friends for lunch. It was great to see Joy again. I received her great new bag pattern Ric Rac & Roses so of course i had to find some lovely buttons for it. I bought 2 heart buttons & 2 hearts buttons which have rose patterns. I've put them on the pattern in the photo. I am making some Christmas cones so found the needed jingle bells & very small buttons for those. Then spotted a pattern from another of my favourite designers & just had to have that - Bronwyn Hayes Christmas Baskets. Lets see what else? A lovely candlewicking pattern of Crinoline Ladies & the necessary needs of a needleturn applique - freezer paper. Oh and a tool i discovered from my SIL which helps making perfect half square triangles. And last but not least some cute little bows to decorate my doorstop bags. Oh i did forget the last thing bought, 2 pencils for my daughters which have cute little animals attached to the top. So as you can see from the photo i didn't spend much. :) Ahhh the quilts on display - what can one say except they were just fabulous. A great pleasure to walk amongst them & admire them all.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thread catchers & Lynette Anderson Designs I've made

Here is the photo of my thread catchers. Even though the printer printed the patterns smaller than they should be they still turned out a nice size. I'm also posting some photo's of hangings i've made from Lynette Anderson Designs.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Door stop bags

I was really good yesterday. I'd already cut out 3 bags & their ties Friday evening. I sat down yesterday & made them all. I could only fully complete 1 though as the other 2 are going overseas. You see they are bag doorstops & i don't think filling them with cat litter & posting is such a good idea. The pattern is really cute if a little low on instructions. But then i always modify somehow to suit my way of sewing so no big problems there. Here they are. The red one is the finished bag. Aren't they just cute? Didn't teke very long either as there is onlt a few pieces to sew.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I've lurked for a while reading other blogs & have decided to join. So much to learn from other quilters.

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...