Monday, March 2, 2009

2 of my favourite things.

I'd been wanting to make something with fresh passionfruit for a while. I was wondering if my brother had any on his vine then a couple of days later over he pops with 4 passionfruit. Out came the recipe books. Decided on a passionfruit slice. Then made some peanut butter biscuits. The other cake in the picture is called a gingercake. With lemon icing. Courtesy of the House Elf . No i didn't eat it all it was a share plate. This is what i embroidered yesterday. Cheryl's latest addition to her BOM. Isn't it cute. I embroidered around cleaning, nagging kids, making tea - great things those slow cookers & mowing. Now to go fabric shopping. :)

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Kim said...

Your stitchery turned out really nice. The treats look wonderful what time should I be there?

Joy said...

Mmmm, they look yummy!!! Love your stitchery, gosh you're fast, I've only just printed mine!!
What fabric did you buy???
Joy :o)

Unknown said...

Yum looks great and the stitching too !
clares craftroom

Julia said...

Love your stitchery...
Yum, love passionfruit!
Julia ♥

FNwF March

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