Friday, April 24, 2009

Cushion swap

The china plate i won before Easter finally arrived. Lovely large flat plate just right for large cakes. Kris put her lovely bag pattern on her web site so i just had to have it. Been wanting to buy the Easy Does It For Friends book for a while & spotted it on eBay. But todays mail brought me such a lovely gift & as usual i've loaded the photos back to front. The cushion was wrapped up with such nice paper & ribbon with a lovely hand made card. Isn't the cushion lovely. Thanks to Mandy for the cushion. I don't have an email addy or blogspot for her to thank her personally or to let her know i received the cushion but luckily i do have her snail mail from the back of the parcel. Go to post this blog & discovered the page had hiccups whilst i was typing & the plate photo had disappeared. :) It's back now. LOL.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

my week.

I've been buying china off eBay again. Couldn't resist this lovely crinoline lady bowl. It's very big. Have a plate also that is still coming. Some hiccup with the guy getting someone else to post & they didn't. I pre-ordered Jennifer Chiaverini's new novel & a package arrived the other day. I was a bit excited & then disappointed that the novel didn't arrive. Not to worry as i was still excited that the pattern book had arrived. Novel is still to come. Hopefully soon. I've been busy embroidering some exchange gifts & now have started embroidering some panels for my SIL. When made up they go around a pail. It has pockets on the inside & outside to hold all your sewing needs. A very nice pattern from Crabapple Hill. Hope to make myself one one day. :)

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Monday, April 13, 2009

part 2

Now that i know my Easter exchange gifts arrived safe & sound in America i can finally show what i made. I made my daughter an Easter wallhanging years ago & have wanted to make another as it is quite cute. The exchange was a perfect excuse. The basket is my first attempt. I'll post the girls ones soon. The marshmallow bunnies were made by House Elf & the kids painted them with food colouring

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Patterns & yummy food

Still adding photo's the wrong way.:) Neve mind you get to see what yummy goodies we had for Easter first before the patterns.The House Elf made the Easter eggs & cake. The eggs are dark, milk & white chocolate. The Cake is chocolate with hazelnut icing topped with 68 small choclate eggs & numerous miniature eggs. Thay are candy coated. Next is my bunny cupcakes. Aren't they just cute. I have a photo to0 of marshmallow bunnies that the House Elf made but blogger wouldn't let me load it with this post. Have to be in the next one. The photo of 3 patterns i'd forgotten i'd bought not long ago. The 2 of Rosalie Quinlan's were the ones i mentioned in the previous post about waiting for. Can't wait to make them up.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Swap.

I know 2 posts in one day but to much to share in one post. As i said in the previous post i was out shopping & came home to a parcel sitting on my kitchen table. "ooohhh a parcel for me". My girls wanted to know what it was. I looked it over, saw it was from overseas & declared "it's my Easter Swap parcel". I was so excited that i didn't take a photo of the lovely wrapping on the box or the individuallly wrapped parcels. But here are the lovely goodies i received. Isn't Daisy gorgeous. She now lives on my bed. Had to fight the girls to get my yummy chocolates & marshmallows back. :) And to top it off some beautiful Easter ribbons & lovely cat fabric. Joanne must have been reading my blog. LOL. Thanks Joanne so very much.
I think the lens on my camera needs cleaning. Wouldn't surprise me as lately the only photo's taken have been the firetwirlers & you get off spray from the kero.

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what i've been doing

No matter what i seem to put the photo's in the wrong order. Oh well i'll get it right one day. lol. I've been buying patterns despite saying "NO MORE". Still have to more to arrive. They are the lovely Rosalie Quinlan's designs. Hopefully they'll arrive tomorrow. I was surfing eBay & discovered the little crinoline cup bag on auction. Well couldn't let that pass by could i. Then i spotted the lovely new pattern from Bronwyn Hayes. Anyone who knows me knows i love her patterns. I've been eyeing off Gail Pan's lovely sewing set & Natalie Lymer's sewing set so bit the bullet & bought them both. Oh yes when i opened the package today there was the cup fabric included. Sorry about the glarey photo. Don't know what happened there. Then today my SIL offered to take me into Spotlight & Bargain Box. Happy about that as i needed more embroidery threads & things. Whilst there bought the lovely red fabrics to make something for another swap i'm in. Can't wait to make that up.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Busy Weekend

Where did the week go??? I meant to post these on Monday as i had finished the redwork needlecase on Sunday afternoon to add to the March list for finishes. Oh well it will be a first for April. The first thing i did was sew the 4 blocks to send to Sandi for Emma's Hope (see sidebar). I then worked on 2 other projects i can't show photo's of as they are for a swap. I put the little bear wallhanging together followed by the Easter baskets. Why 3 in the same colour? I have 3 daughters & if they are the same colour then no fights. Only difference to them will be the lining fabric. After 2 days of cutting & sewing i sure needed a rest.

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FNSi March

 was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...