Wednesday, April 8, 2009

what i've been doing

No matter what i seem to put the photo's in the wrong order. Oh well i'll get it right one day. lol. I've been buying patterns despite saying "NO MORE". Still have to more to arrive. They are the lovely Rosalie Quinlan's designs. Hopefully they'll arrive tomorrow. I was surfing eBay & discovered the little crinoline cup bag on auction. Well couldn't let that pass by could i. Then i spotted the lovely new pattern from Bronwyn Hayes. Anyone who knows me knows i love her patterns. I've been eyeing off Gail Pan's lovely sewing set & Natalie Lymer's sewing set so bit the bullet & bought them both. Oh yes when i opened the package today there was the cup fabric included. Sorry about the glarey photo. Don't know what happened there. Then today my SIL offered to take me into Spotlight & Bargain Box. Happy about that as i needed more embroidery threads & things. Whilst there bought the lovely red fabrics to make something for another swap i'm in. Can't wait to make that up.

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Joy said...

Ooooh, look at all your goodies!!! LOVE the new Bronwyn Hayes pattern - I'm gonna have to get that one ;o). I don't think she's ever done a design I didn't like! That's a nice haul from Spotty too - can't wait to see what you're up to with all those reds(??).
Joy :o)

Unknown said...

What a Lovely time you've had with your Retail Therapy...Love those Red fabrics...hmmm..looking forward to see what you make with those...

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...