Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Swap.

I know 2 posts in one day but to much to share in one post. As i said in the previous post i was out shopping & came home to a parcel sitting on my kitchen table. "ooohhh a parcel for me". My girls wanted to know what it was. I looked it over, saw it was from overseas & declared "it's my Easter Swap parcel". I was so excited that i didn't take a photo of the lovely wrapping on the box or the individuallly wrapped parcels. But here are the lovely goodies i received. Isn't Daisy gorgeous. She now lives on my bed. Had to fight the girls to get my yummy chocolates & marshmallows back. :) And to top it off some beautiful Easter ribbons & lovely cat fabric. Joanne must have been reading my blog. LOL. Thanks Joanne so very much.
I think the lens on my camera needs cleaning. Wouldn't surprise me as lately the only photo's taken have been the firetwirlers & you get off spray from the kero.

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Joanne said...

So pleased you liked your Easter goodies and I'm very pleased they got there in time for easter.

Happy Easter

Joanne x

Unknown said...

Jeanette you've really been spoilt , Happy Easter .

Kim said...

Very nice Jeanette

Ruth said...

Just dropping by to say thank you for my lovely Easter swap package. The wall hanging is so precious. The chocolate is good too. Thank you.

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...