Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Flower garden day has sneaked around again. :)

After some advice last week & more fiddling around i’ve sort of got the blog looking ok. Not sure if i like the new way yet. I’ll just keep fiddling i guess until i find a look i like. :)photos 063
3  flowers bloomed for me again this week in the 1” hexies.
photos 064
2 flowers for the 1'/2” hexies & 1 1/4” hexie.


Sheila said...

They are all lovely , that small one is just too cute .You had a very successful week ,great job.

Kim said...

Really pretty Jeanette. Are you making a quilt with them?

Karen said...

Sweet flowers as always!! I hear what you are saying about the new Blogger layouts. It's hard to find the perfect one. They all have a little something I'm just not liking.

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

you sure have been busy stiching flowers this last week. So beautiful.

Marion B. said...

They are lovely and the small one is so cute with her big sisters.

Narelle said...

I have to agree ... the little one is soooo sweet with the bigger two. :o)
You've found a lovely background for your blog.

Julie said...

It is fun fiddling with your blog, don't worry if you aren't 100% happy because next week you can change it again, that's the beauty of blogging!Love the hexies, I have no new ones to add to me set.

Sandra Henderson said...

Lovely flowers!
On your blog also! :)
I have not attempted to do this, because I know it will take me forever to decide. I like what you have decided on! I's so happy and cheerful!

yvonne said...

Prachtige bloemen zijn het weer geworden groetjes yvonne

Mascha said...

Nice flowers!!!

Saskia said...

Love the flowers. And I love the background of your blog. But then again I LOVE roses.. said...

Lovely flowers, Jeannette! The book you purchased looks nice to me and the patterns look gorgeous. I didn't know about them, so I'll go and see if they are for sale here, too,
Greetings, Cisca

Valentina said...

How sweet! I can hear my 3 yr old saying: Look mama, a BAYBE!!!"
Just gorgeous...
Love the new look!

Raewyn said...

Love your flowers and the baby one is so cute. I NEED to try one that small!!

FlourishingPalms said...

I'm so impressed that you're plugging along on those hexies, especially the teeny ones. You go girl! Hex-on!

Vivian said...

Your hexagons are adorable, from the "large" 1-inch, all the way down to your wee little one. Just too cute!

There are too many options with our blogs. That's not good for someone who likes to experiment. As soon as I make a change, I wonder what other changes I might like. No two blogs look alike, with all those choices. That's for sure.

FNwF March

 I was rather slack for FNwF. To concerned about that cyclone. I'm hoping that the winds won't affect me to greatly. Well i've p...