Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Flower Day

photo's 078

Only 4 blooms for me today. Only managed the 1” ones this week. :(

photo's 079

This lovely pattern arrived in the mail yesterday. In time for me to make it up ready for Christmas. :) 

photo's 081

This book arrived a couple of weeks back but i forgot to show it. Very enjoyable to read.



Marion B. said...

The hexies are cute and so is the Christmas charm.
Happy reading :-)

Anonymous said...

You made four lovely flowers - good job!

Monique said...

Well.. I love those 4! (And it's 4 more then me.. ;o)

Karen said...

Well, you managed four very lovely flowers this week!

Marieke said...

Four new great flowers added! How much do you have already and how much will you be making?

Renate Bischoff said...

Your garden grows. Lovely flowers you have made.

Birdie said...

Very nice flowers and did you do the crocheting also?

Brigitte said...

The hexis look so peaceful and the pattern looks very interesting.

Saskia said...

Sweet little flowers! you made 3 more than I did this week.. said...

Four lovely flowers, I love the ecru one! What a nice pattern of Marg Low, she makes beautiful charms!
Greetings, Cisca

Sheila said...

Four is great , more than I accomplished for sure . Just got a new computer so life is back on track;-)

Raewyn said...

Your new blooms are lovely - 4 of them is a pretty good number, I think. Your purchases look interesting - is the book quilting related?

FlourishingPalms said...

What a great example of perseverance you are! You go, one-inch hexie girl!

Thanks for sharing another Amish title. I always enjoy reading about them, and am fortunate to see an occasional horse and buggy when traveling in southern Iowa. Just looking at them makes me feel peaceful.

Sandra Henderson said...

Goodness, you've been busy! Lovely looking reads also. So nice to be. Able to come visit you again...xo

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...