Thursday, November 18, 2010

My life.:)

As i was posting yesterday's blog about my hexies it came to me that they are all i seem to blog about lately. You could be forgiven if you thought that was all i’ve been doing. :) So today i set myself a task of taking photo’s of things i’ve been doing & a flower that has bloomed for me in my pot plants.Picture 005
I’ve been “growing” ginger beer plants. This is my 2nd batch. The first batch will be ready to drink this weekend.
Picture 006
My blood lily has flowered. I think the last time was maybe 2 years ago.
Picture 008
This lovely stitchery by Kaaren. Made a few of these for gifts. Now to add the borders. :)Picture 013 I started these 3 lovely heart stitcheries by Rosalie Quinlan last year but ran out of time before Christmas. Oh well at least they’ll be ready for this Christmas. :)
Picture 014 Picture 015
I wish people wouldn’t play with the settings on the camera. Grrrr
Picture 011 Picture 010
These stitcheries are from Ruby’s Sewing Nest pattern by Kathy Schmitz.
Picture 012
Somehow i missed making clamshells for the last 2 months. I sat down one day recently & made this pile up. Now i have enough made up to finally start the quilt. Yay.
So that’s what i have been doing besides making hexies & reading. :)



Kate said...

Oh Wow Jeanette..You sure have been busy,,It has been many years since i made Ginger beer from the plant,,,It is sooo good,,Enjoy.!!!! Your stitcheries are lovely....

Julie said...

WOW have you ever been busy! Love hearing about your doin's

Angels Come to Play said...

Hi Jeanette,
Dont know how I found you but I am glad I dropped by. Has your ginger beer been successful? Any secrets you would share on making it. I have been searching for ages for a recipe to make some for my DH. Fun blog will drop by again.

Linda said...

Well Hello Jeanette! I am so glad you commented on my giveaway so I could find your awesome blog! I love it!! I just signed up to Follow too! Love the stitcheries! The Hexie flowers are far too cute! I am a terrible photographer so I feel your pain. I just want to point and shoot! Take care!

Brigitte said...

You certainly have been busy. The clamshells look small. What size are they?

Narelle said...

I know what you mean. I'm either posting hexies or colourful friday, which I love both!
Your stitcheries are lovely!

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...