Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hexie Day

Managed my 9 flowers again this week..... just.  I have 88 1" hexies, 48 by 1/2' hexies & 18 by 1/4" hexies. Time to think of how to sew them together... with a path or not. Decisions, decisions.



Gerda Hartman said...

Wow, you made a lot of flowers this week. Very pretty.

Kate said...

Hi Jeanette,,,9 Lovely flowers for your garden this week..Well done..Thank you for popping in to see me...Kate x

Karen said...

The first four are so soft and pretty. Almost missed the little one placed just so on the quilt and love the last four. The brown fabric is very fun.

Marieke said...

Good luck on your decession-making. I think your hexies are great. Love to see them together!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful and very inspirational blog.
I love your flowers and will follow you to find out about your decision.
You have very pretty and delicate flowers.

Joke said...

Nine lovely flowers you've made this week! Good luck on deciding how you want to put them together..

Nata said...

Oh, die kleinen sind ja süüüüß!


Joan said...

Wow - you are doing well Jeanette, I look forward to seeing how you will set them ♥

Birdie said...

Very nice flowers, I love the swirly fabric. Your garden will be completed quickly if you keep up this pace.

Staci said...

Wow! You did a lot of stitching! Lovely flowers!

Leanne said...

ooh I am looking forward to seeing how you do put yours together.

Love Leanne Nz

Kim said...

Cool Jeanette, they are looking very nice. Can't wait to see what you make out of them.

marion said...

wow 9 hexjes......

that's a lot

Sandra said...

I'll be anxious to see how you will connect all the different sizes of hexies. Lovely flowers this week!

Renate Bischoff said...

I am impressed, you have done so many beautiful hexies.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Beautiful hexies! I missed the little one at first look. I prefer to have a path, it lets each flower shine in its glory!

Brigitte said...

Great looking hexis again. Are you going to put the various sizes in one quilt or make 3 quilts?

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...