Thursday, October 31, 2013


One last finish for October. I bought a bib panel a while back & my Mum donated terry towelling for the backs. I couldn't find it anywhere to buy. Luckily Mum still had some stashed away.
The Noah's ark panel is so cute. Later today i hope to be sewing a padded book about a dinosaur & a nappy bag.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fabled Fusions

 Fabled Fusions is Michele's gorgeous new book using her unique way of combining felt & fabrics.
  The book is beautifully presented with 10 easy to follow Folk Art projects. Some of them are:
Peppermint Tea
Lord and Lady Bugs,
The Scarborough Hares.

When my book arrived last week it came along with 2 kits. I've made O'Ryan the Stargazer
& now i'm working on Wild Hare Pillow
Michele will be at the Valdani stand at the Houston Quilt Show & will sign books for you. Books & kits can be purchased from Michele's online shop.

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fun at the craft show

Yesterday i spent a wonderful day at the craft show with my friend Cindy(no blog). First up we wandered all the lovely stalls & bent our cards a little then it was time for a fortifying cup of coffee & carrot cake & back to browsing & spending.
My haul of goodies. Lovely Natalie Bird was on her stall & signed her new pattern book for me. :)
I also picked up this show special(photo taken from Horn web site), the sewing table. It also comes with a free insert.

 After lunch Cindy & i wandered around the fabulous quilt display. Oh some very stunning quilts there including a hexagon quilt. King sized made up of 1/2" hexagons. The tag said "thousands" of the hexagons. Last time i saw this particular quilt the maker had finished the centre which is a beautiful rose & was working her way out from it. I'm so glad i got to see the finished quilt. Now it was time to head home with our goodies, sore feet & dented bank accounts but before we left i picked up 1 last show special.
I've been wanting one of these for a while & at the show price i wasn't leaving it behind.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 19, 2013


I'm surprised i got anything done. The day started well. I finished making 6 burp cloths.
Then i cut out a project to start working on after i finished working on a secret project
But before i finished the last leaf on this i spent an hour or so on the phone last night to my internet provider trying to get the internet back up & running. Talk about useless. 2nd time in 2 days. No help at all so i think i'll be seeking a new provider. Oh the internet did finally start working again but it wasn't due to the guy i was talking to. Finally at nearly bed time i could make a start on the project i'd cut out earlier.
I guess i did get a fair bit done but not as much as i would have liked.

Thanks Wendy for running FNSI again. Pop over here to see the blogs of others who participated

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I bought 2 mitten patterns at the same time & have now finished the mittens from the 2nd pattern. They are so cute.
I had fun making these felt mittens too.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Santa was saved.....

........My thanks to everyone for suggestions on how to save Santa when my thread ran it's dye. I decided to stick Santa into a soaker & see what would come of it & it worked. Last night i turned Santa & his friends into these ornies.
I lightly stuffed the ornies to give them a puffy look. As you can see Santa is now stain free.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 11, 2013

Christmas Ornies

The last few days i have been working on Christmas ornies & finished the last one last night.
Love making these cute felt ornies.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday Night With Friends.

Last night i joined in Friday Night With Friends hosted by the lovely Cheryll.
I started this little Christmas decoration stitchery Thursday night & finished it last night & discovered this morning the threads dye had run. Grrr. Looks like i'll be re-stitching this one.
I almost finished this one before bedtime. Just hope it doesn't run when i wash my tracing pen out. Pop on over to Cheryll's & see who else joined in last night what they worked on.

Happy Stitching,

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...