Saturday, October 19, 2013


I'm surprised i got anything done. The day started well. I finished making 6 burp cloths.
Then i cut out a project to start working on after i finished working on a secret project
But before i finished the last leaf on this i spent an hour or so on the phone last night to my internet provider trying to get the internet back up & running. Talk about useless. 2nd time in 2 days. No help at all so i think i'll be seeking a new provider. Oh the internet did finally start working again but it wasn't due to the guy i was talking to. Finally at nearly bed time i could make a start on the project i'd cut out earlier.
I guess i did get a fair bit done but not as much as i would have liked.

Thanks Wendy for running FNSI again. Pop over here to see the blogs of others who participated

Happy Stitching,


De said...

very productive of you!

Sheila said...

Hope you get your internet problems solved . I think I see and owl in the corner shot ,cute! hugs Sheila

Anonymous said...

you did well Jeanette nothing worse than when your internet is playing up,glad its going now.xx

Fiona said...

hope the internest stays on... very frustrating and a waste of sewing time... are you doing one of Shells patterns there? I am waiting for her new book to arrive...

barb's creations said...

Every little bit done brings a project closer to the finish line in my book. Hope you get your internet problems sorted soon, very frustrating for you :) Barb.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Hope you get it sorted Jeanette. Cute little sneaky.

Cheryll said...

I enjoyed your company last night... and you got a lot done! :)

Marilyn said...

You did well considering - internet providers can be frustrating when there is a problem cant they. Love the little sneaky peek.

Melody said...

I think that sneaky peak is of an owl too.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You did have a good night..well done

Maria said...

Very annoying having internet problems. We are used to having it now...
You did still achieve a lot even with your problems.

Kim said...

You did have a very productive day. It is such a pain when the internet doesn't work properly

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who had a productive buy up.Well done.

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

What a productive night you had...

Tania said...

Hi Jeannette, so frustrating when the internet doesn't work and needs to be sorted out. You did get some lovely stitching done though, I love the sneak peek of your project x

Susan said...

That last project looks so intriguing! So sorry about the internet problems. Hope that gets cleared up!

Sisbabestitches said...

Cute cloths, like your sneak peeks :) Given up expecting consistent internet, hope you have better luck :)

Noela said...

You got lots of things done. Hugs....

Josie said...

Heavens... didn't know I needed a cloth to burp! ;o) Sneak peeks are such a tease.. I won't sleep now for trying to figure out what you're making. Hope your internet problems are fixed soon....

Shari said...

Lovely work. When my internet is down I get soooooo frustrated. I feel for you!

Mary K said...

Congrats on all of the good work.

Anthea said...

Jeanette, the burp cloths are such a great item to have... if I had one now, I would shove one in mr13s mouth when he is being a gross teen!

FNwF March #2

 For FnwF part to hosted by Cheryll  my project was to make a start on some little hexie projects i've had prepped for a little while.  ...